
As a teacher, you control your professional development and salary schedule advancement.

ElevatePD is an alternative to traditional coursework with personalized professional development. Our consultants work closely with districts and teachers on projects that impact students, schools, and communities -- and earn credits for advancement.

Taking credit

Find helpful resources and see real-time stats on projects - including credits earned - on the ElevatePD regional dashboard.

Check out the dashboard
Alternative Career Pathways presentation

A different way to advance your teaching career



Personalized learning is a powerful tool for not only student learning, but also professional development. Using ElevatePD, you can focus development on your professional interests.



ElevatePD specialists work with you to create self-directed, personalized learning opportunities that honor your unique needs, life experiences, and skills.



You know your classroom best. Drawing on your teaching experiences, ElevatePD specialists work with you to plan meaningful projects that solve challenges and impact students.

Advancing classrooms and careers

Example project

Imagine advancing three lanes on your district's pay scale at no cost to you. Pequot Lakes teacher Michele Zeidler made it happen with ElevatePD. 

Read Michele's story >

More ElevatePD success stories
Early childhood classroom


For additional details about the program, please contact a Sourcewell ElevatePD consultant.

Jen McLachlan
Freshwater, Long Prairie-Grey Eagle, Pequot Lakes, Swanville, Upsala, Verndale

Jody Rakow
Bertha-Hewitt, Crosby-Ironton, Little Falls, Menahga, Pierz, Pillager, Walker-Hackensack-Akeley