Ed Soul podcast

Being an educator is not like other jobs. You put your whole self into it – it’s soul work. Each episode, we bring you insights, techniques, and strategies rooted in research that you can put into practice in your K-12 classroom right away. Host Rachel Logan (in education for 16 years and counting) uses interviews, great questions, and stories from her experiences in the classroom to make content come to life. Produced by the Sourcewell Education Solutions team.

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Ed Soul is hosted by Rachel Logan, an Equity and Inclusion consultant on our Education Solutions team. She has spent the last 16 years in education. She has worked with students in grades K-12 in multiple geographic settings, cultures, and communities across the US and in Eastern Europe.

Sourcewell's staff collaborate to bring together decades of education and technical experience to record the Ed Soul podcast onsite in Staples, Minn.

Lisa Worden is in her fifth year as an education consultant. Much of her work centers around social and emotional learning, including trauma-informed care, mental health, and wellness; she is also trained in SEED and helps facilitate cultural competency training.

A podcast by educators for educators

Season 1

    Ed Soul premieres Friday, May 27, 2022! Meet Rachel Logan and her guest for series 1, Lisa Worden. Get a preview of our first series topic: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Follow us now on Apple Podcasts or Spotify to be the first to tune in. 

    Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

    In the pilot episode of Ed Soul, we explore belonging – what it looks and feels like and how you can create belonging with students and colleagues.

    Discussion Highlights:
    What makes a space, including a school environment, feel safe physically, emotionally, and psychologically? What does it mean to belong in a space?

    • Physical safety: Locked doors, security systems, protocols and plans, free of bullying 

    • Emotional and psychological safety: Free of bullying, people and content do not cause harm

    • Belonging is deeper than welcoming. When you belong, you:

      • Feel like you have efficacy, voice, and choice

      • Can better control emotions and stay focused and on tasks

      • Connect and feel connected with others

      • See people that reflect you and how you view yourself

      • The ability to bring your whole self, unapologetically

    Educators often focus on ensuring student safety and belonging. What about our colleagues?

    • Most educators had a positive school experience growing up, they felt like they belonged which is a big reason why they chose education as a career

    • The dominate culture perpetuates a cycle of limited diversity (79% percent of U.S. teachers are white females)

    • Systems make it difficult for people from historically disenfranchised communities to feel belonging

    • Ensure that adults also have connections during their day

    What happens when you feel you’re great at building relationships with students, EXCEPT for this ONE student?

    • Unmet relationship needs can create challenging behaviors

    • Don’t take it personally; remember, behavior is a form of communication

    • See Equity Triage Tree Activity

    • Know your tendencies. While you learn ways to better connect with all students, help them connect to other adults and students.

    Aside from educator-student relationships, what kinds of factors (visuals or experiences) make school environments feel safer/more inclusive?

    • Make space for a wider range of student voices in planning and shaping their school

    • Offer a variety of spaces, places, and instructional styles

    • Use inclusive practices and language

      • i.e., “families and caregivers” instead of “mom and dad”

    Tools to explore

    • Watch: Making Sure Every Child is Known (See resources below)

    • Equity Triage Tree Activity

      • Split your class roster into thirds

        • Bottom third, easy to connect with

        • Middle third, not as easy to connect with but can still build relationships

        • Top third, most challenging to connect with

      • What themes do you see? Is there a certain type of student you connect with, certain identities that are challenging for you to connect with?

      • How might your own interests and/or biases get in the way? How can you address this?


    Cook, C., Joseph, G., Fiat, A., & Thayer, A. (2021). Adult resilience curriculum (ARC) for educators. Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network. Retrieved May 26, 2022, from https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/mid-america-mhttc/adult-resilience-curriculum-arc-educators

    National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2015). Supportive Relationships and Active Skill-Building Strengthen the Foundations of Resilience: Working Paper 13. http://www.developingchild.harvard.edu.

    Souers, K., & Hall, P. A. (2019). Relationship, responsibility, and regulation: Trauma-invested practices for Fostering Resilient Learners. ASCD.


    Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

    In this two-part episode, we discuss strategies to regain and retain regulation - improving conditions for learning and teaching

    What is social and emotional learning?
    Students and adults acquiring and applying skills

    • Being aware of yourself (feelings, tendencies)

    • Managing that (behavior)

    • Being aware of others and using that to build relationships & interact

    • Making decisions

    SEL boils down to how we are with ourselves, each other, and the world around us. SEL isn’t necessarily something extra; educators already spend time on behaviors. SEL can be a tool or support to manage behaviors effectively and efficiently, so even more learning can happen.

    Sometimes people ask, why focus on SEL when school is about academics?
    If students aren’t ready to learn and teachers aren’t ready or well enough to teach, learning is hindered. When SEL is implemented, there is an 11% gain in academic scores.
    How does regulation fit into our conversation about increased student incidents (school threats, self-harm, racism)?
    We’ll talk about adult regulation, but let’s start with students.

    Sometimes we look at SEL as a way to fix students. Instead, we need to shift our thinking to view SEL as a way to support students. Consider supports we provide for students when they don’t know how to read, or do fractions, or play an instrument. We teach them how (we don’t punish them) and we provide additional supports if progress isn’t made. Sometimes we assume students should come to school knowing how to organize their stuff, handle frustration, manage time, and get along with others. Students need opportunities to learn and practice those skills, too.
    We want students to manage themselves – regulate their feelings. The first step is being able to identify their own feelings, both positive and difficult. Let’s be honest, we are especially interested in students regulating feelings that seem to cause disruptions, like frustration and anger, and behaviors like not handing in work, disorganization or disengagement.

    Let’s talk about the brain.
    To identify feelings, we need to talk a bit about the brain. Dan Siegel’s Hand Model of the Brain helps us understand the fight, flight, and freeze (FFF) response.

    • FFF is a natural process that happens in healthy brains with real danger.

    • Brains prone to anxiety, affected by trauma, or even stressed, can flip a lid (dysregulate) more easily.

    • Imagine a compromised, raised level of awareness - my lid isn’t flipped, but I’m closer to it than I want to be or should be. Many of us exist in this state, especially right now.

    Trauma is a big topic for another time, but a few disclaimers:

    • In general, exposure to trauma (real danger) wires the brain to protect but not connect, survive but not thrive.

    • The great thing about neuroplasticity is that recovery and healing from trauma is possible, even as adults.

    • Sometimes schools are the place where students experience trauma (institutional trauma).

    See all the strategies we discussed in Handout-S1 Episode 2.

    Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

    What else can schools be doing about behavior? 

    Multi-tiered systems of supports (MTSS) to prevent escalation. 

    • There are tier 1 supports that should happen in all classrooms. For example: 

    • Routines 

    • Proximity 

    •  We also need additional levels of support, allowing teachers do tier 1 well. For example: 

    • Small groups to support needs like friendship and anger, led by social workers or school counselors 

    • In 2020-21, Minnesota ranked in the bottom 4 states for school counselor-to-student ratio (1:592) 

    • SEL becomes support for behaviors that already exist. 

    • Students more equipped to learn 

    • Teachers more equipped to teach 

    You might be thinking, “SEL should be taught at home.”  

    • Circle of influence; I have no control around what happens or doesn’t outside of my space at school. 

    • Future Episode (#5) in this series is on family and community involvement. 

    • Positive intent about caregivers. 

    • Likely working to teach these skills 

    • There are other factors, like students being developmentally ready to learn the skill  

    • Might not have been taught regulation skills themselves, or realize their benefits 

    • Opportunities to learn and practice regulation is one of four factors proven to build resilience. We believe all students want to learn, but sometimes there are barriers. 

    You might be thinking“I’m not a mental health professional.” 

    • Positive behavioral intervention strategies are part of the Minnesota teacher license renewal process. 

    • Mental health professionals are a part of tiers of support; eventually, students might need access to mental health professionals. 

    • What supports can intervene before professional mental health care is needed? 

    See all the strategies we discussed in Handout-S1 Episode 2.

    References and resources from part 2 

    Graff-Radford, M. (2018, January 23). Stress Relief is Only a Few Breaths Away [web log]. Retrieved May 15, 2022, from https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/living-with-mild-cognitive-impairment-mci/newsfeed-post/stress-relief-is-only-a-few-breaths-away/.  

    Mood meter. MOOD METER APP. (n.d.). Retrieved June 8, 2022, from https://moodmeterapp.com/  

    Minnesota Department of Education. (n.d.). SEL implementation guidance. Retrieved June 8, 2022, from https://education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/safe/social/imp/  

    Terada, Y. (2022, April 21). We drastically underestimate the importance of brain breaks. Edutopia. Retrieved June 8, 2022, from https://www.edutopia.org/article/we-drastically-underestimate-importance-brain-breaks  

    Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

    Engagement can include behavioral, emotional, and cognitive. 
    The brain is soothed by sameness and engaged by novelty; we need to engage students in a way that is socially and emotionally healthy. For example, classroom games:

    • Competition and individualistic activities drive some, but shuts others down

    • Timed games can cause anxiousness

    • Losing can cause dysregulation

    • Binary grouping methods that might involve student identities

    Student driven is even more effective than teacher driven

    • Voice, choice, efficacy, peer-to-peer interaction

    • Appropriate level of challenge

    • Real-world problem solving

    • Community involvement

    • Content and activities that provide cultural mirrors and windows

    • Goal setting and progress tracking

    • Student roles and responsibilities


    • Brain’s motivation system develops over time

    • Most impacted by intrinsic rewards with positive feedback

    • In adolescence especially, social context and acceptance is a factor

    Disengaged or undesired behaviors?

    Teachers are trained to notice when students are disengaged; students can be engaged while exhibiting “undesired” behaviors. Sometimes the need is executive functioning or regulation:

    • Students who need movement might still be paying attention

    • Asking questions or blurting could be a distraction, but shows that learners are engaged

    • Coming to class without the materials can be interpreted as not caring

    • Withdrawn, shut down, or crumpling up papers communicates frustration but can be read as disrespectful

    • Difficulty transitioning

    Ultimately, we want systems that support students, rather than asking students to regulate in environments that are not set up with their needs in mind.

    Be careful in how we characterize students

    • Asset/strength-based mindset and language, not deficit 

    • A variety of processing times

    • In the references, see the handout, Safeguarding Inclusive and Respectful Communication: Students

    Disengaged or unmotivated adults?

    In everyday life, adults might need

    • A quick check-in on our phones

    • Sidebar conversation with a colleague during training or meeting

    • Standing up, moving, or going to the bathroom without asking permission

    Can we treat kids like people too?


    • Increase intrinsic rewards with a focus on constructive feedback and coaching

    • Build in student reflection time

    • Set goals and track progress

    • Encourage student voice and empowerment

    • Plan for engagement

    • Remember, engagement looks different for different individuals

    Start with an environment where students feel safe, settled, known; this is foundational to engagement.


    • Logan, R. (2020). Safeguarding Inclusive and Respectful Communication: Students. Staples, MN; Sourcewell.

    • Lortie, D. C. (2007). Schoolteacher a sociological study (2nd ed.). University of Chicago Press.

    • Muhammad, A. (2018). Transforming School culture how to Overcome Staff Division. Solution Tree Press.

    • National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2018). Understanding Motivation: Building the Brain Architecture That Supports Learning, Health, and Community Participation: Working Paper No. 14. Retrieved from www.developingchild.harvard.edu

    • Toth, M. D. (2021, March 21). Why Student Engagement is Important in a Post-COVID World – and

    Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

    Support is accountability. The goal of SEL is developing young people into adults who are thriving intellectually, socially, emotionally, and professionally.

    Unpacking the story 

    Rachel shares a story that begins with a student sleeping in class and ends with them in handcuffs.

    • Why? What’s going on that they are falling asleep in the middle of the day?

    • When woken, the student is likely to feel some form of dysregulated; how can I support this student? How would you want to be approached in this situation?

    • “Are you okay?” instead of using accusatory language.

    • Adjust your physical approach to be trauma-informed, and consider the other young people in the room.

    Be careful of discipline/behavioral labels, they can be vague and subjective

    • Noncompliant

    • Defiant

    • Disrespecting authority

    • Aggressive behavior 

    • Truant

    • “Inappropriate” language, behavior, gestures, etc.

    • Disruptive

    Prevent escalated responses

    • Create spaces and systems where students are safely and appropriately thinking critically, asking questions, speaking up for injustices.

    • Small behaviors can escalate quickly; every interaction with students has potential to either build or damage relationships. Responses to undesired behavior either help solve the problem or trigger the next level of escalation.

    • Avoid power struggles; are behaviors wrong or unexpected?

    • Discipline “wrap” and juvenile records; predetermined idea about “good kids” and “bad kids”.

    • Rethinking healthy and unhealthy behaviors.

    • Give a second chance and do not require eye contact when having difficult conversations.

    Seek training for you and your fellow educators in restorative practices. When we know better, we can do better.

    Examine polices for discipline and code of conduct

    • Are responses punitive or supportive?

    • Hats/hoods/dress code policies

    • Removal, shame, and humiliation do not improve behavioral or academic outcomes

    What about the adults?

    Students and adults, alike, need systems of support in place. The school environment improves for everyone with the implementation of SEL. Student outcomes, especially reduced discipline referrals, suspensions, expulsions, mental health needs, and drug use. It increases academic outcomes, attendance and graduation rates, post-secondary enrollment and completion, engagement and attitudes about school, and abilities to manage stress and depression. 

    Questions or comments? Contact us as education@sourcewell-mn.gov 


    References and resources

    Álvarez, B. (2021, October 9). School suspensions do more harm than good. NEA. Retrieved July 5, 2022, from https://www.nea.org/advocating-for-change/new-from-nea/school-suspensions-do-more-harm-good

    Long, N. J., Wood, M. M., Fecser, F. A., & Whitson, S. (2021). Talking with students in Conflict: Life space crisis intervention (third). PRO-ED, Inc.

    Minnesota Department of Education. (n.d.). Restorative Practices. Restorative practices. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from https://education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/safe/prac/

    National Commission on social, emotional, and academic development. (n.d.). Social, Emotional, and Academic Development Fast Facts. The Aspen Institute. Retrieved July 5, 2022, from https://www.aspeninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/NCSEADInfographic_Final2.pdf

    What does the research say? CASEL. (2022, May 26). Retrieved July 5, 2022, from https://casel.org/fundamentals-of-sel/what-does-

    Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

    A key factor known to help young people build resiliency is “…mobilizing sources of faith, hope, and cultural traditions.” Without promoting a singular faith or culture, we can recognize and make space for students to lean into these key parts of their lives.

    For data on engaging caretakers, see the Flamboyan Foundation’s Family Engagement Matters handout in our references.


    • Culture of school communication and content can be a one-way street of schools sending information, but not often gathering information from caregivers.

    • Adjusting the way we speak and think about caregivers is key; see this handout: Safeguarding Inclusive and Respectful Communication: Caregivers.

    • Young people are largely influenced by those who caretake for them. They may be influenced by their caretakers’ experiences in schools. Those experiences could include:

      • As students, they did not feel safety and belonging

      • Institutional trauma and/or historical trauma

      • School-to-prison pipeline 

      • Building relationships and earning trust and respect with caregivers can create new pathways for future generations. 

      • Sometimes a shift in norms and expectations between home and school (one example is mealtime). 

      • Some hesitation when the education system requires navigation. Not all families are familiar with these systems. Examples include post-secondary options and filling out forms to register students.


    • Positive communication first! See Flamboyan Foundation’s “Connecting with ‘Hard to Reach’ Families;” This resource includes strategies and sample templates.

    • Ask preferred communication method and ideal time; be persistent and consistent.

    • Ask for input from caregivers: What are your child’s strengths? What works at home? What support(s) does your child need? Tell me about _____.

    • Know students beyond academics.

    • Consider situations where homework may stress the relationship between school, students, and caregivers.

    • Provide equitable homework experiences.

    • When possible, provide multiple resources for multi-household families.

    • Make space for caregiver voice and decision input: representation on advisory committee and hiring boards.

    SEL is a broad topic. Young people and educators need systems that support their social and emotional skills and wellness. Let’s keep the conversation going. Questions or comments? Contact us at education@sourcewell-mn.gov


    • Family engagement matters. Flamboyan Foundation. (2021, July 29). Retrieved July 13, 2022, from https://flamboyanfoundation.org/resource/family-engagement-matters/

    • Kliment, K. (2019, August 30). Connecting with "hard to reach" families. Flamboyan Foundation. Retrieved July 13, 2022, from https://flamboyanfoundation.org/resource/connecting-with-hard-to-reach-families/

    • Logan, R. (2020). Safeguarding Inclusive and Respectful Communication: Caregivers. Staples, MN; Sourcewell.

    • National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2018). Understanding Motivation: Building the Brain Architecture That Supports Learning, Health, and Community Participation: Working Paper No. 14. Retrieved from www.developingchild.harvard.edu

    • (Video) PMC (Public Media Connect). (2021, February 24). Authentic family partnerships: Social-emotional learning. PBS LearningMedia. Retrieved July 13, 202

    Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

    Season 2

      Common school practices 

      • Beginning of the year prompts. Instead of: “What happened this summer?” Try: “What goals or dreams are you looking forward to this year?” 
      • Discounted Yearbooks at the beginning of the year  
      • Thanksgiving is a day of mourning for some  

      Speaking up 

      • It doesn’t have to be political, it is humanistic  
      • Lean into tough conversations about race 
      • Work to recognize the ways students feel marginalized and advocate for them 
      • When students report incidences ask, “Has this happened before?” 

      Moving past defensiveness 

      • Keep it student focused 
      • Called in vs. Called out 
      • Feedback is a gift 
      • Focus on the impact, not the intentions 
      • Normalize and humanize conversations around race, socioeconomics, and gender, etc.   

      Advice from our youth 

      • Adults, please speak up and use your voice 
      • Inaction by adults, hurts more than the incident   


      Gorski, P. and Pothini, S. (2018) Case Studies on Diversity and Social Justice Education Second Edition. Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 

      Humanize My Hoodie:  Educators As Allies  

      Stay connected with Seema! Seema.pothini@gmail.com  

      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      Many U.S. states, including Minnesota (via proclamation), focus on Indigenous Peoples Day on the second Monday of October in place of what was historically Columbus Day. I sat down with Charles Black Lance, an educator and community leader in Brainerd, Minn., for some insights on this holiday.  

      Why the change?  

      • Not necessarily anti-Columbus, but we need to enhance the whole conversation by honoring and respecting histories and traditions of Indigenous people that were here long before Columbus and are still here today. 
      • When traditionally celebrating Columbus Day, we don’t always include the deeper realities of what his coming to North American meant for Indigenous people. 
      • When we clean up histories for children, we lose context that help us understand why and how. 

      What should stop? 

      • Stereotypical representations or caricatures of Indigenous people.  
      • Placing Native people only in the past. 
      • Honoring nostalgia for some, over harmful experiences for others. 

      What should I do? 

      • Look harder, adjust your lens. 
      • Educate yourself with books, documentaries, and podcasts.  
      • Critically consume information. 
      • Do something with your learning. Speak up, take action, and positively influence those around you. 
      • Ask! Conduct internet searches, consult media specialists or curriculum directors.  
      • Listen and learn from people that are experiencing “it” for example, your local American Indian Advisory committee.  


      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      Why a Student-Centered Approach? 

      • Children are respected, rather than seen as problems to fix 
      • Too many students are still disproportionately marginalized, misunderstood, misrepresented, and micromanaged through punitive forms of discipline 
      • Shame based (public and private) approaches do not change behaviors and are harmful 
      • Flip from compliance to connection 

      What makes this difficult? 

      • Education is a hard job  
      • We do what we know or what was done to us 
      • We assume that motivation is what is lacking; this is not always the root cause  
      • What we look for, we will find. If we are looking for kids to be wrong, we will find it. 
      • You may undervalue your skills; “there’s nothing I can do.” Or inflate yourself; “I’ve done everything there is to do.” 
      • A dysregulated adult cannot help a dysregulated child 

      What should I do? 

      • Prioritize connection over compliance  
      • Widen your lens as you consider behavior  
      • Include student voice 
      • Invest in yourself through coaching, professional learning, self-development, and building new habits  
      • Create predictable circumstances for students that support high quality work  
      • Let students feel success   

      Connect with Jacki and Lisa:   


      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      Anticipating a break 

      • Anticipation impacts regulation (positively and negatively) 
      • Teach students what it means to be in a regulated, compromised, or dysregulated learning state 
      • Model and create atmospheres where we get to have feelings and learn how to express them in a way that doesn’t disrupt learning 
      • Every behavior is an expression of a need 
      • Be mindful of what anticipating the holidays means for us (the adults) 

      Sending students off well 

      • Create consistency and predictability while students are away; provide students with journals, scavenger hunts, picture books, etc. 
      • Give them something to look forward to during the break and set them up for an exciting return: “Fun to Come!” 
      • Include their voices: what do you want to learn about when you get back? 

      What about the adult?  

      • Work towards creating a manageable, realistic day every day so we don’t have to rely on breaks to recharge 
      • Redefine time; how do we want to use the time we have (there will never be enough time!) 
      • “If I can name it, I can tame it” – Dr. Dan Siegel  
      • How is my mindset impacting me, who can help me reframe my mindset? 

      What does reentry look like? 

      • What is my anticipation heading back?  Anticipating Awesome? Feeling dread?  
      • Our mindsets influence outcome 
      • Manage the return and share out so kids don’t feel pressured to share or disclose what happened over a break 

      Needs that drive behavior  

      • Physical: sleep, healthy food, limited screen time, etc. 
      • Emotional: practicing getting into and staying in my upstairs brain 
      • Relational: Needing and thriving from human connection 
      • Manage the return and share out so kids don’t feel pressured to share or disclose what happened over a break. For some, breaks are challenging.   


      Relationship, Responsibility, and Regulation:  Trauma-Invested Practices for Fostering Resilient Learnings  

      Fostering Resilient Learners  

      Stay connected with Kristin! https://www.fosteringresilientlearners.org/ 

      Reflection Questions 

      • How do you keep human and kindness at the forefront? 
      • What is one strategy you’d like to try? 
      • How will you anticipate awesome as you and your students return from a break? 

      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      Whether you are a coach and you are engaged in sharing feedback with other colleagues, you are an administrator that evaluates, a teacher that delivers feedback to students, parents, or caregivers or a human being; we are all tasked with engaging in difficult conversations from time to time. Jacki shares about how having the hard conversations, that ultimately impact students, is our responsibility.  

      What makes a conversation difficult? 

      • Lacking confidence to articulate on a topic (articulation does not equal intelligence)  
      • Topics around students that are misrepresented, marginalized, or misunderstood (based on preconceived ideas) 
      • Inaccurate definitions operating as facts, including ideas that are misrepresented or misunderstood  
      • Conversations that involved boundaries; advocating for yourself can be hard 
      • Perfectionism 
      • Providing feedback to the person in a power position or hierarchy  

      What should we avoid? 

      • Using common words without common definitions  
      • Thinking someone else should have the conversation (“Passing the buck”) if it is our responsibility to own; however, if the harm did not involve you, keep yourself out 
      • Centering or prioritizing your feelings or the feelings of the person receiving the feedback, over the impacts that the topic is having on students (or other affected groups) 
      • Ignoring hard topics (bystander effect)  
      • Taking others’ reactions or emotions personally  
      • Jumping to conclusions, assuming how people will react, or what they may be thinking 
      • Letting our past experiences put us on guard or on the defense before engaging  
      • Only having deep conversations about things that need to change vs. ongoing deep conversations about practice  

      Strategies that support difficult conversations  

      • Creating a culture that encourages feedback, learning, and growth  
      • Consider the reason for your feedback, the timing, and the relationship with the receiver  
      • Focus on the impact over the intention  
      • Recognize if you’re dysregulated (in your head, body, emotions)  
      • Pause to find your words, “break and breath”  
      • Listen, don’t speak to be heard  
      • Know your own tendencies or fears and how they may impact your ability to give or receive feedback 
      • If you’re in a position of power, create avenues where it is safe to both give and receive feedback 
      • Think about the next engagement:  don’t avoid people and don’t “overdo it” 

      Helpful Reminders 

      • Initial reaction isn’t always the long-term thought; sometimes people just need time 
      • Behaviors are not only an asset or a liability; they might be both; consider your “why” for engaging  
      • Sort out whose feelings you’re prioritizing and protecting 

      Connect with Jackithecatalystapproach.com 


      Brown, B. (2018). Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. Random House Publishing Group 

      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      December is a busy month and let’s face it, being an educator can be tough year-round!  I want to share 5 things to try when stuff gets tough in this bonus mini episode.  These are strategies that have been helpful for me, and I hope you find something helpful here as well.  If you have a strategy you’d like to share, email us at education@sourcewell-mn.gov and we will share out your ideas in our Educators Facebook Group. 

      1. Change your password or passphrase 

      • Make it inspirational, encouraging, or funny! 
      • This helps sends a positive message every time you log into your device 

       2. Write self-affirmations  

      • Handwrite self-affirmations and read them aloud! 
      • Counteract the negative narrative in your brain 
      • Use a journal, stickies on a mirror or bath crayons in the shower! 
      • Consider the stories you are telling yourself, about yourself  

       3. Say Yes! 

      • Prioritize the people in front of you 
      • Rachel’s example: Emergency class meeting!  
      • Don’t forget about the fun 
      • Rachel’s example: Dance party! 
      • Pay attention to the needs of others and yourself  

       4. Say no. 

      • Set boundaries, and know your limits 
      • Create a culture where it’s ok for other people to say no 
      • Everyone has a different capacity level; don’t compare! 

       5. Use a visual to prioritize your needs 

      • List everything that is stressing you out from the big to the little 
      • Create a target with a center and two outer rings 
      • In the center: people and relationship (don’t forget about yourself!) 
      • In the middle ring: important tasks that need a plan 
      • In the outer ring: not urgent, what can I let go of? 

      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      Common adult behaviors that trigger the blues   

      • Fatigue 
      • Mindsets: struggling to focus on strengths 
      • Hesitant to do things that bring us joy 
      • Hyper focused on (having) control 

      Healthy, resilient responses for adults  

      • Building a healthy culture within our setting to vent, uplift, share ideas, approach difficult things together 
      • Consider how others experience us; what we say and how we say it 
      • Take a break before a tough interaction 
      • Get the 10,000-foot view – most things aren’t as urgent as we think 
      • Hit the pause button; what do we want to accomplish here? 
      • Don’t underestimate our own value, we are all essential to the culture  
      • Keep it simple: balance your love and your loath  
      • Reestablish our definition of time: how do you want to spend the time that you do have?  

      How can we help students regulate through long winter months? 

      • Build in regulation resets throughout the day   
      • Use common language: are we learning ready or learning compromised? 
      • Make school a safe place: I see you, you matter, you belong here, we will meet your needs  
      • Shift your language from “have to” to “get to”  
      • Pay attention to language and framing; invite students into consent  
      • Celebrate successes even when they appear small 
      • Notice the stories students are telling us, as well as the stories we tell ourselves 

      Strategies for all: 

      • Tap in, tap out 
      • Field Tripping 
      • Resilience building strategy: Appreciation, A-ha, Apology or Connect, Celebrate, Commit  
      • Keep human at the forefront 
      • Be present and acknowledge when things are hard; we don’t always have to solve or fix  
      • We get to reset and reprioritize education; we are never going back to 2019! 

      What Kristin is reading:   


      Reflection questions: 

      • When have you found yourself feeling stuck? Which resilient strategy resonates most with you? 
      • Which of these student strategies were affirming to you? What new strategy will you try? 
      • What can you do to build a culture of support within your own context? 

      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      Ways to revitalize and diversify curriculum 

      • Apply a good filter; watch for what explicit and implicit messaging in the content
      • Include a broad array of perspectives
      • Don’t sugar-coat hard things
      • Make sure students can students see themselves in the curriculum
      • Teach larger concepts of justice, democracy, human growth, and development using all kinds of people that have contributed to these concepts  
      • Identify and include absent narratives

      What gets in the way of revitalizing and diversifying our curriculum? 

      • Tradition, or personal affection or nostalgia for a certain topic 
      • Assumption of what students should learn: the cannon, college ready, standards and testing 
      • Educators feeling like they don’t have the knowledge or time to make changes 
      • Parents critiquing changes in the curriculum
      • Assuming students are too young to talk about difficult things or current events 

      An example of revitalized curriculum: MLKJ 

      • Learn about his values and think about how would he apply it to current topics?
      • Give a full and accurate representation of who he was; not just dreamy 
      • Include MLKJ and other BIPOC leaders in the curriculum all year long

      Dos or Don’ts for Black History Month

      • Do add stories of whimsy, love, friendship, and creativity; Don’t limit your discussion to stories of trauma, oppression, or overcoming adversity 
      • Do involve you students by making stories relevant to their lives
      • Do expand complexity and context, not just history but current events as well; Don’t limit yourself to single heroes – what are the stories of the people, the area, the geography?
      • Do expand the context where these stories live (math, science, tech); Don’t limit it to the humanities
      • Do balance our stories so they aren’t all victim-focused; who is the focus on? 

      Resources & References 

      Connect with Marceline: www.dueeast.org; @dueeast

      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      Each of us may have a different idea about what student engagement looks like or how we increase it in our classrooms. In this episode Sourcewell consultants, Julie and Maggie, share their expertise around learning targets and scales and technology to help your students feel connected to their learning. 

      How do you know when students are engaged?

      • Engagement looks and sounds different for everyone, never assume!
      • Engaged students
        • can articulate what they are learning and why
        • know their learning progression and path
        • know the target and can self-evaluate progress
      • Student agency and personalized connection to the content creates engagement

      Who is responsible for student engagement?

      • It’s a collective effort that must include student and family input
      • Educators must clearly present the learning path and progression of learning
      • Educators must balance the needs of the variety of students
      • Center your students and the learning outcomes; de-center yourself (teacher)

      What are common reasons that students disengage?

      • No relationship to the adults or to the content
      • Not feeling welcome or included in the class or school
      • When there is a singular (teacher selected) way to show learning
      • Not seeing themselves in the content or how it connects to their life

      How can we proactively address disengagement?:

      • Create a safe space for students to share how they’re feeling
      • Provide multiple opportunities to support around content
      • Greet students at the door
      • Positive check-ins, observations, and sharing with families and caregivers
      • Specific positive feedback

      Strategies to engage all students:

      • Use technology as an option to access and connect with teachers
      • Intentional and personalized conversations with each student or matching to other adults in the building
      • Using a seating chart to ensure that students are getting a check-in
      • Set clear and visual learning targets and proficiency scales
      • Use pre-assessments to match learning to a variety of skill levels
      • Use turn and talks, collaboration, and group work
      • Include student voice and choice in learning decisions
      • Recognize when a topic may be dry and invite students to weigh in on how to show learning
      • Help students see themselves and make connections to the content

      Reflection Questions:

      • What is your one next step?
      • How has (or how would) using a clear progression of learning skills engage your students?
      • How have you (or how will you) used technology to help students better connect to their world?

      Resources & References

      Connect with Julie or Maggie via email education@sourcewell-mn.gov

      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      February Celebrations: Black History Month & I Love to Read Month 

      • Flood the classroom library with texts from various cultures and backgrounds
      • Be mindful of “windows and mirrors”
      • Read authors from a variety of racial backgrounds

      What’s “hot” in literacy? 

      • Early literacy skills or foundational skills
      • Effective instructional strategies for struggling readers
      • Equity, access to high-quality, diverse books, and content
      • Science of Reading

      How should we respond?

      • There will never be a one-size-fits-all for every student 
      • Encourage critical thinkers and readers 
      • We grow, change, learn, and take the best of what works with us
      • Sometimes implementation is the problem, not the original intent of the work
      • Know better, do better 

      The truth about Teacher Preparation Programs

      • Minnesota teacher licensing standards, including systemic, explicit phonics, has been in place for 10 years 
      • What is taught and what is implemented isn’t always the same
      • Minnesota higher ed faculty is continually learning, including participating in LETRS (Language Essentials for Teacher of Reading and Spelling) training
      • Terminology changes, but many ideas behind them are consistent.  

      What isn’t changing?

      • Using student data to guide decision making  
      • Diverse student populations with diverse needs
      • Teacher read alouds 
      • Collaborating with our colleagues
      • Time for professional learning 

      Strategies & Advice:

      • Decrease teacher talk, increase student’s ability to think, talk, and write in response to text 
      • Keep good company that remembers their “why”
      • Once we get into the profession, our learning is truly just beginning

      Resources & References: 

      Reflection Questions:

      • Which of the “what’s hot” literacy topics are you currently studying? What is affirming? What is challenging?
      • How are you supporting critical readers and thinkers with exposure to a variety of texts?
      • Would your colleagues identify you as “good company?”  Why or why not?

      Connect with Deb and Mary:

      Email Dr. Debra Peterson peter328@umn.edu or Dr. Mary Jacobson at education@sourcewell-mn.gov 

      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      February Celebrations: Black History Month & I Love to Read Month

      What’s happening at the state policy level?

      • New ELA standards will be fully implemented fall of 2023 and assessed in ‘25-26
      • MCA IV criteria and decision making is currently taking place
      • LETRS training
      • Emphasis on the teacher licensing standards and backgrounds
      • Licensure requirements around professional development in reading is changing for more veteran staff
      • Minnesota Department of Education -- policy, guidance, and support on dyslexia

      Get Connected!

      Literacy re-envisioned:

      • Consider the ways we organize children for learning; competency-based vs biological age
      • Rethink how we organize and staff our human resources
      • How the teacher uses the tool (including technology) is the differentiator
      • Collaboration around data analysis should involve multiple perspectives and roles 
      • Ensure instructional tools are being used as intended (i.e. Levels and Lexile numbers)
      • Consider the (enabling) context of literacy practices
      • Get familiar with implantation science; one resource: National Implementation Resource Network (NIRN)
      • Recognize and respond to preconceived bias about what child can or can’t do
      • Restructure systems that create barriers to maintaining effective literacy practices
        • Frequent initiative changes
        • Revolving door of resources
        • Leadership changes that shift the focus

      Strategies & Advice:

      • Don’t underestimate the impact you have on others
      • Thank one of your mentors
      • Invite a school board member into your classroom
      • Give yourself permission to give up practices that are no longer effective

      Connect with Deb and Mary:
      Email Dr. Debra Peterson peter328@umn.edu or Dr. Mary Jacobson at education@sourcewell-mn.gov 

      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      Educator Connection

      As Educators, it is important that we continually expand our knowledge and understanding around multiple ways of being.  This episode helps us build that muscle!  Whether you teach in an area that has a high Ojibwe or other Indigenous population, or not, today’s episode will help build your own culturally responsive toolbox.

      Who is The Cultural Toolbox written for?

      • Ojibwe people who are interested in reclaiming, relearning, or reconnecting with their own culture
      • The rest of the world to get a sense about one way of being
      • We need respect, hold space for and allow the thriving of many different ways of being

      Gender Roles

      • Men and women each own half the lodge
      • Traditional gender division of labor that favors balance over equality
      • Caution around romanticizing or denigrating any one culture

      School practices

      • Everything humans do is a cultural decision (i.e., the bell system or music in choir programs)
      • Modern education is for the most part still colonized (i.e., English is prioritized)
      • Majority of students in schools are students of color, only about 60% of Native students are finishing high school

      Education goals worth pursuing

      • Foster positive identity development no matter your identity
      • Create spaces where students know they are valued, sacred, and important; not just for being “good at whiteness” or “properly colonized”
      • Engaging in acts of kindness
      • We all need healing

      Dos and Don’ts for Non-Native

      • Do be curious, ask questions, hold and open space for everyone to learn about themselves and one another
      • Do read a variety of Native perspectives and voices
      • Do participate in Indigenous led activities (i.e. pow-wows, Native art, etc.)
      • Don’t buy/participate in “Native-inspired” (i.e. “Sweat-lodge experience for a fee”)

      Terms and references from today’s episode:

      Connect with Anton

      Reflection Questions:

      • What did you find new, interesting, or challenging about today's episode?
      • How do you ensure you're affirming your students' identities in school?
      • What is one resource you plan to dig into a little deeper?

      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      March is Women’s History Month, and this episode focuses on how education can build confidence, provide mirrors, and demystify pathways for our young girls and women to follow their dreams and take a seat at the table. Teresa Kittridge, founder of 100 Rural Women, shares personal stories, advice, and supports for each of us to lean into as we work to remove barriers and illuminate possibilities through the power of education.

      Why women in leadership?

      • It’s an equity issue, we need women to have a seat at the table
      • Most women tend to work collaboratively, individual recognition is not often a priority
      • Women want to “get stuff done and go home!”
      • We don’t have enough women in leadership, it’s a crisis in rural right now

      Advice for educators

      • Connect young girls to the many options and positions they have available to them. 
      • Keep girls believing in themselves, having those visions, seeing themselves in the future
      • See kids as individuals with individual gifts and talents
      • Highlight women in a variety of roles and throughout the curriculum
      • Advocate for library collections with a broad array of people, culture, and topics
      • Demystify the path, remove barriers, and help women see themselves in leadership roles

      Advice from Teresa

      • Find your passion and take some risks, believe in yourself
      • It’s ok to make changes
      • Anytime you have an opportunity to continue your learning, take it!
      • You can’t change everything at once
      • Don’t forget about appointed positions as pathways to other leadership or elected roles
      • Not everyone wants to be out front, but how do you support the women that do?

      Reflection Questions:

      • Which educators (if any) do you recall elevating women in leadership and showing you examples of what is possible for women in leadership?  What do you do as an educator?
      • Reflect on your own curriculum and classroom libraries; do you have enough representation?  How could you make it even better?
      • What is the most important take away from this conversation and how will you use it to impact your life and the lives of those you serve?

      Resources and References

      Connect with Teresa:

      100 rural women website and on social media @100ruralwomen

      Learn more about the podcast and browse resources, programs, and upcoming trainings and events for educators at www.mn.sourcewell.org/education

      What's going on?

      • Minnesota is growing in population (National average 7.4%; MN 7.6%) 

      • Minnesota continues to increase in diversity; all population growth is from Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) 

      • Rural schools are also seeing an increased number of immigrant students, especially in southwest MN 

      • The aging population and retirement range has increased from 13% to 17% 

      What does this mean for schools?

      • Demographic change includes the overall population; kids are the vanguard of demographic change  

      • Schools must be prepared to serve a more diverse student population including cultural and linguistic needs for students and families  

      • Law makers aren’t necessarily equipping schools with the tools they need to serve the rapidly changing population because it’s not as visible to them 

      • Demographic changes directly impact funding amounts and its distribution 

      • Many funding formulas are inherently unfair which perpetuates educational inequalities and exacerbates achievement gaps  

      What should I do?

      • Advocate for policy change at all levels (local, state, federal) to change funding models and policies that promote equitable distribution and resource allocation 

      • Tell your legislator what is important to you; they need to hear from more educators 

      • Conduct a needs assessment for the school district; identify key areas and priority issues from the community 

      • Analyze data to identify trends and patterns; use this to create a strategic plan based on your community’s input 

      • Invest heavily in teacher training, development, and coaching 

      • Partner with community organizations and businesses to problem solve and prioritize common needs 

      We are all connected:

      • Demographic shifts impact everyone 

      • Shared resources are deeply interconnected – transportation, healthcare facilities, public utilities, etc. 

      • When we use the data to work together to address challenges and promote equity and inclusion, we have stronger and more resilient communities.

      Resources and References:

      Connect with Megan!

      Reflection questions:

      • ​​​How does understanding data and trends at a state and local level help you as an educator? 
      • What are ways you can get involved in advocating for change? 

      • How will your school prepare for changing demographics? 

      Educator Connection:

      Preparing our students with 22nd century skills that connect student abilities and interests to in-demand careers is largely tied to a solid career and technical education (CTE) planning model.  Troy Haugen and Tami Martin share the importance of CTE, acknowledge common misconceptions and barriers, and leave us with actionable advice and strategies to get your district on the CTE path!  

      What is Career Technical Education?

      • Teaching students about careers by aligning academic skills and technical skills around career pathways 

      • Connecting students to high-skill, high-wage, high-demand sectors that are regionally appropriate  

      • A 3-legged school (secondary education, post-secondary education and the business/industry component) 

      • Introductory courses taught in middle school; 9-12, prepares for a high-wage, high-demand career  

      • Includes work-based learning and internship programs  

      What do you wish more people knew about CTE? 

      • By the time students graduate high school they can have a certificate and be on the pathway towards a career 

      • Students are ready and excited to get into their career fields 

      • Generally, schools with strong CTE programs see a correlation between increased attendance, graduation rates, and a healthy community because people  feel like they have a purpose  

      • CTE makes education contextual and relevant as opposed to the traditional mental model of courses taken in isolation  

      • By the times students are juniors and seniors, they need to know where they are going next 

      • Successful CTE programs are full; student demand is there 

      • Gone are the days where we train on a specific task for a specific job; we are now preparing for long-term careers with multiple entrance and exit points 

      What are the barriers? 

      • Perception; not valuing or recognizing the careers right in our local areas  

      • Protecting a traditional mindset and maintaining the status quo rather than preparing students for 22nd century skills 

      • Moving past outdated building models and concepts such as rows, 52-minute block schedules, isolating a “CTE wing” 

      • Believing that we are pushing kids into careers too soon or using the excuse that students don’t know what they want  

      • There is a financial investment 

      • Teacher recruitment and retention  

      Advice from the Troy and Tami:  

      • Invest in our students., Students need to know we care; even as simple as asking students about how they’re doing or what they’re interested in  

      • Check your assumptions about what you think about school and future careers 

      • Get clear about what CTE is (and is not) and advocate for it! 

      • Recruit teachers from the industry; consider a base salary to attract quality CTE teachers (including from industry)  

      • Dig in and have the tough conversations about contracts, project-based learning, move forward to challenge the status quo 

      Resources and References: 

      Reflection Questions: 

      • What was the biggest “a-ha” moment you had after listening to this episode?  

      • What steps has your school district taken to participate in moving CTE forward? What do you need to do next? 

      • How might you communicate with community members and other school constituents to bridge folks across the potential barriers mentioned? 

      Connect with our Guests Troy and Tami! 

      Educator Connection: 

      Connecting and supporting students to careers and opportunities post-secondary “takes a village.”  Learn how the Sourcewell Career Consultant Program is supporting this identified need in schools. 

      About the Career Consultant Program: 

      • Builds systems and structures for ensuring all students are career and college ready    
      • Uses nationally defined Redefining Ready! metrics    
      • Embeds a career consultant within the district  
      • Pathways are developed together with administration, staff, community, and consultant facilitation  
      • Consultants work with students, remove barriers, connect to goals, and create intentional experiences    
      • A common “what” and “why” is established, the “how” looks different from district to district  
      • Provides students with a “buffet” of flexible options and pathways 

      Why the program:

      • Career Consultants are filling an identified gap in support; often there is a disconnect between the workforce and school preparation    
      • The program supports schools by providing a consultant with a “Work-Based Learning License”  
      • Career Consultants come alongside schools, maximize and connect to resources, communicate and network with local businesses    
      • The program embeds employability skills within pathways  
      • Career Consultants have the lens of multiple schools with Region 5 to share lessons learned

      Conditions necessary for success:

      • Establish a career committee with diverse representation  
      • Attend the quarterly Career Pathways Cohort    
      • Create flexibility within pathways  
      • Work from within, what internships can you provide within the school building  

      Resources and References:

      Reflection Questions:

      • What successes has your school already begun to implement? What from this conversation can you take as a next step? What resources will you use?
      • What are some of the local business connections your district makes? What connections are missing?
      • Consider your role, what is the one thing you can do right now to help support students to find fulfilling pathways post-secondary?

      Connect with Amy and Maggie!

      Educator Connection: 

      Kevin and Jordan, founders of Metier, share with us how their program is working to help 5th-8th graders find the truest, happiest, and greatest versions of themselves that align with careers that love them back. 

      What is Metier?

      • A lifestyle design and experiential learning program that helps students find the truest, happiest, and greatest version of themselves that matches to a career that makes you come alive  
      • 5th-6th  grade program is called Wayfinders: Self-awareness focus  
      • 7th-8th grade program is called Flowblazers: Career-awareness focus  
      • Students discover their strengths through hands-on, game-based, play-based activities    
      • Students test out a “buffet” of 17 categories to uncover their strengths    
      • 30/30/30 rule + 10% magic  

      Why 5th-8th grade?

      • The teenage years are a great time, developmentally, to try things out  
      • Most kids don’t want to be some “thing” they want to be some “one” but may not know their options or strengths  
      • Students often have lots to choose from and little to choose with  
      • Metier provides data driven intrinsic motivation to drive next steps and decisions including electives to take, teams or clubs to join, etc.    
      • Combing the “Wayfinders” and “Flowblazers” courses provides the best possible information; self-awareness and career awareness    
      • Flow leaves fingerprints: even if you make changes over time, you can find traces of your strengths and interests in the career paths; these are transferable skills 

      Is Metier a fit for your school?

      • Is there a philosophical fit?  Do you also believe that every kid was uniquely made with gifts and talents made to serve the world? 

      • Is there a logistical fit? There must be a dedicated time in the schedule (study hall, advisory time, elective, etc.) as well as the right timing fit with a school’s strategic plan. 

      • Is there an ongoing fit? The program evolves based on school feedback. 

      Resources and References:

      From Kevin's Library:

      Reflection Question:

      • What did you want to be “when you grew up?” Is it the same? Did it change? How many times? Would career exploration earlier on have helped you find your passion sooner? 

      • When did someone help you identify your own strengths? Did this connect you to a career field? If not, how might a program like Metier make a difference in your own life? 

      • When have you seen students discover their strengths and come alive? How did you match it to school options or career options?

      Connect with Kevin and Jordan!

      Educator Connection: 

      When our schools and community leaders work together to support one another, students and constituents are the beneficiaries. Mayor Dave shares his experience working together with the schools as a long-time city mayor.

      City and school as community partners:

      • When folks are checking out new cities and towns, they always look at schools  
      • Be mindful of the city tax levy to make room for school needs  
      • Build relationships between superintendent, mayor, school board, and city council    
      • Stay “in the know” to interrupt misinformation and knowledgeably speak up to support the school  
      • Use political capital to support the schools  
      • School board members represent the community, and we need to be out in the community to experience different viewpoints    
      • Citizens expect that school leaders and city leaders are working together  
      • Appreciate being in dialogue, relationship, and showing of solidarity    
      • Having city folks understand the challenges of the school budget helps them become bigger champions for schools  

      Advice for superintendents and other educators:

      • Superintendent should make the first move (reaching out)  
      • Attend a city council meeting and share updates about the school  
      • Build the relationship before you need anything    
      • Education staff should connect with city council members  
      • Look for other cross over roles; for example, facilities director and parks and recreation director 

      Invite community leaders into schools:

      • Read to students in classrooms  

      • Attend events, concerts, or plays 

      • Volunteer to help serve food 

      • Remind students that you believe in them and have high expectations 

      • Become a guest speaker on your area of expertise  

      Encouragement when facing conflict:

      • Hang in there, help is on the way!  
      • Work to understand other perspectives; listen to learn, not to respond    
      • All you can control is your own response    
      • It’s usually not personal  
      • It’s not about exchanging facts; it’s about building a relationship  
      • Is one person mad, or many? Approach accordingly.  
      • Trust is earned in drips and lost in buckets  

      Resources and References:

      Reflection Questions:

      • How has your school partnered with your community to support students? What might you try?  
      • What are some strategies you’ve used in the face of conflict? What from this episode will you apply in the future?  
      • What advice from Dave do you want to share with someone else? What advice speaks most directly to your own role? What’s your next step? 

      Connect with Dave Bartholomay!


      We say we believe all students can learn, but too often we plan for and set goals for less than 100% success.  Dr. Robyn Jackson inspires us to commit to nothing less than 100% visioning and shares strategies to get there for each of our students. 

      Barriers of 100% Visioning:

      • We are taught that setting goals of “80% success” is normal, we are told we have to be “realistic”    
      • We are told, “We aren’t going reach every kid” and we are trained that it is ok if some kids fail  
      • Focusing on 5% growth doesn’t create sustainable results; you won’t get to 100% vision with 5% efforts    
      • If we set a goal of 80%, we plan for 20% to fail and I’m (the educator) will still celebrate that  
      • Not only are we ok with failure, but we plan for it (when I set goals of less than 100%)! 

      What is the mindset shift:

      • Mindset is more important than strategy  
      • How can I be my best if I start out every year thinking that no matter what I do, someone is going to fail  
      • Either we believe all kids can learn and we put all our energy into that, or we don’t  
      • 100% means not just helping “bubble kids,”, but helping all kids grow and keep growing. When you think like this you choose strategies differently    
      • Instead of “I expect more of you” (the child), shift to “I expect more of me” (the educator)    
      • It’s disempowering to wait for a kid to step up and believe in themselves; kids will believe in me (the educator), before they believe in themselves sometimes  
      • If I believe in me, it doesn’t matter what the kid does, I have to find a way to reach them; it opens up options and helps me to keep trying long after I may have given up on the kid  
      • Mindset shift strategy: Make a list of students and cross out the percentage of kids you’re ok failing; we cannot be ok with planning to fail anyone

      Strategies for planning for 100% success:

      • Write a vision for 100% success for your students. Define it and be specific. How will you know you got there?  
      • Does your vision pass the “tingle test”   Don’t chase strategies or shiny objects that aren’t getting us to 100%  
      • When using “research-based practices” ask yourself, “How will we use them? With what kids? Under what circumstances? Is that right for helping my kids, all of them, be successful?”  
      • Focus on improving what went well and throwing out what didn’t work; do not reinvent the wheel every year  
      • Success is boring and huge success is hugely boring    
      • Follow one course until successful, focus!  
      • Invite kids to the goal, don’t drag them.  If they don’t come, I (the educator) have to make changes 

      Big Picture Visioning

      • Big visioning makes you better at your role    
      • Ask the students: Who? Who do I want to become? Listen to kids and families and build your program around their responses  
      • Ask the teachers: How? Give teachers the training, support, accountability, and culture that they need to be best successful. Listen to teachers and empower them  
      • When you have a clear vision and everyone is working in alignment, you can trust your teachers    
      • Leaders ask “What? What should we be focusing on? What resources do we need, how do we stay in alignment?”  
      • Bosses say “go”, Leaders say “let’s go”, builders say “come” – Harvard Business Review 2009 

      References and Resources

      Dr. Jackson's listens and reads:

      Reflection Questions:

      • What was the last student achievement goal you set? After listening to Dr. Jackson, what would you do differently? What would you keep and focus on to get even better?  
      • Have you asked student and families the “who” question? If no, how will you start? If yes, how did you build that into your learning experiences?    
      • When you consider the “how” questions, what support or training do you need to reach your 100% vision? How will you access it or advocate for it? 

      Connect with Dr. Robyn Jackson!

      Educator Connection:

      Dr. Tina H. Boogren is a fierce advocate for educators, particularly for their well-being. In this episode Tina shares ways to prioritize taking care of our educators both individually and collectively. 

      Strategies for Individual Educator Wellness:

      It’s the small things that make the difference: sleep, nutrition, water, movement  

      • Watch for your own warning signs that you’re “off track”  
      • Try an “Attitude Adjustment Walk” or take a 5-minute walk during planning time    
      • Incorporate a walk and talk meeting  
      • Take your duty- free lunch  
      • On paper, journal “I feel better when…I feel worse when” and put a loose perimeter around ourselves so we don’t go so far off the rails  
      • Schedule a time to worry    
      • Take care of your future self, “you’re welcome future self.”  
      • Imagine the kind of educator you’d want for the young people in your life. How do you align to that person?  
      • Choose specific days you will stay late so you aren’t staying late every night 

      Strategies for Collective Educator Wellness:

      No amount of individual self-care will help us if our school culture is suffering  

      • Create a school policy for setting boundaries; specify what constitutes an emergency    
      • High functioning PLCs contribute to wellness; when teachers have trust and friends at work, they are more likely to stay  
      • As a staff, brainstorm what is burning us out on chart paper. Identify things we can’t change, could maybe change, and what we are doing to ourselves    
      • Hold a standing meeting in the morning to check in with each other; together we need to hit 100%  
      • Stop promoting perfect attendance awards for students or adults    
      • Mentors: Caution around telling mentees they “must” go home at a certain time  
      • As a staff brainstorm how one another works best, where they work best, and learn and share methods from one another while getting to know one another’s tendencies better.    
      • Advocate for social wellness; building relationships, trust, time for connecting to our purpose. We can’t do this alone, we have to figure this out with others 

      Advice for summertime and reentry:

      • Enjoy your summer without guilt    
      • Summer is a good time to think about physical wellness and reestablish boundaries  
      • Solidifying healthy habits over the summer makes us more likely to keep them during the school year  
      • Put it on your calendar when you want to start thinking about school  
      • Try to keep a consistent sleep schedule to the best of your ability  

      Resources and References: 

      Tina's favorites:

      Reflection Questions:

      • What from this conversation really resonated with you and how will you respond to that feeling?  
      • Which individual act of educator wellness do you want to try out or continue doing consistently?    
      • Which collective act of educator wellness will you advocate for in your school building? Who do you need to connect with to make this happen? 

      Connect with Dr. Tina Boogren!

      Educator Connection:

      Music Therapy and Educator Mary Ellenson and Visual Community Artist Maria Ervasti share their personal and professional insights on why prioritizing the arts in education is vital to our students’ prek-12 experience.  

      Why prioritize the arts in schools:

      • Arts provide an outlet to express feelings and emotions, when students are regulated emotionally, they can better access other forms of learning  
      • Art taps the creative side of the brain  
      • Art education can bend to our societies’ needs, for example, during the pandemic, changing from skills based to therapy based as a mode of needed self-expression  
      • Arts can provide job-embedded skills – for example, the ability to provide and receive critique    
      • Artists have a deep understanding of empathy including how to express oneself nonverbally  
      • Artists know how to conceptualize and apply skill  
      • Artists know how to bounce back from failure, build resiliency, and problem-solving skills  
      • Many career fields want an artist, even if you aren’t creating art because of their skill sets 

      How the general educator or school system can support the arts:

      • Be honest about your own experiences, tell stories about your family and friends connected to arts  
      • Invite local artists into your classroom or to career fairs to share their music/art/etc.   
      • The right music (consider the individual child) can be used to calm or energize a student    
      • Let go of the self judgment  

      How the arts benefit communities:

      • Arts are a huge economic catalyst; implementing the arts can reinvigorate the economy  
      • The benefits of art, music, and food, are part of the human experience  
      • Have beautiful spaces to go, brings in business  
      • There is a relationship between art and the necessity of human interaction; connecting folks to a central experience to share    
      • Programs and concerts, bring people together to listen to students perform, witness the work they’ve done, including the backdrops, the programs, everyone that comes together to see a final product live    
      • Arts are a huge catalyst for social change and expressing your voice    
      • The arts allow us to experience different cultures visually and auditorily  

      Resources and references:

      Reflection questions:

      • What was affirmed for you about arts in education? What was new?  
      • How have you supported and prompted the arts in your school system? What is something you will try?    
      • In what ways have you seen your community benefit from the arts? What is it that your community needs? How can you advocate for that need?  

      Connect with Mary and Maria!

      Season 3

        Educator Connection:  

        We’re back with Season 3 of Ed Soul, bringing you a healthy dose of inspiration and motivation for the new school year. If you were able to join us at the Sourcewell Educators Summit, this episode’s guests will be familiar! In our first-ever live recording, we asked leading minds in education the questions at the top of every educator’s mind. Hear from Garth Larson, Rainey Briggs, Rufus Lott III, and Becky Peppler on what makes meaningful professional development, what’s surprising in the world of education, advice to educators in a post-pandemic world and more. Pop your favorite ear buds in and take that first, confident step back into the classroom. We’re with you every step of the way! 

        Meet the Panelists:  

        Dr. Rainey Briggs:

        Listed as one of the 48 Most Influential Black people in the state of Wisconsin 2021 by Madison 365, Dr. Rainey Briggs is a dynamic educator who has served as a cultural liaison, teacher, principal, Director of Elementary Education, and currently serves as the School District Superintendent of Baraboo schools. As an African American boy growing up in poverty, Dr. Briggs quickly learned how to advocate for himself and others and has carried that passion over into his daily work. Dr. Briggs obtained his degree from Edgewood College and wrote a dissertation on the Factors that Promote or Impeded the Success of African American Males in a Predominately White High School. Dr. Briggs strives to bring a voice to marginalized students and families. As a principal, he collaborated with staff and families to bring the motto “Every kid, Every day, Whatever it Takes” at the forefront of their school and a mission to live by daily. Dr. Briggs has worked with many school districts on providing professional development around equity and cultural responsiveness. He is also an adjunct professor at Edgewood College and Viterbo University. Dr. Briggs is a husband to Julie, an educator herself, and the dad to three teenage daughters. When they are not in a gym or on a field, Dr. Briggs and his family enjoy traveling, spending time outdoors, and barbecuing.

        •  Dr. Brigg is watching: Ted Lasso, “Be curious, not judgmental.”

        Rufus Lott III:

        Rufus Lott III is the founder of LOTT Educational Consultants and lead consultant specializing in the area of Restorative Practices in schools. Most recently Mr. Lott served the Northeast Independent School District in San Antonio, TX as the Assistant Principal of Edward H. White Middle School. Mr. Lott played an instrumental role in the development and implementation of restorative practices as an alternative method for managing student behavior. This innovative, whole school approach was the first of its kind in the state of Texas, and has been considered the blueprint that many campuses across the state of Texas are following. Mr. Lott has 13 years of experience in public education in elementary and middle school as a classroom practitioner and administrator. As a former administrator, Mr. Lott’s passion is rooted in social justice and working with educators to better serve diverse student populations. His focus is on teaching real-life, applicable strategies that are essential for educators to utilize when working with both students and teachers. Today, he teaches restorative practices to teachers and administrators as an alternative method to exclusion, and as a means to build positive relationships and strong communities through dialogue using the circle process.

        • Rufus is reading: The Potential Principal by Mark Sanborn, “If you don’t stay inspired, something or someone will come along and cause you to be desperate.”

        Garth Larson:

        Garth Larson, Ed.D is the Co-Founder and CEO of FIRST Educational Resources. Garth has previously worked as the Director of Learning for the Winneconne Community School District in northeast Wisconsin, was an elementary principal in two separate buildings and started his career in education as a high school speech and English teacher. In 2011, Garth formed Wisconsin Educational Resources (now FIRST) with a focus on improving student achievement across the United States. Since 2011, over 2000 school districts throughout the globe have become partnership districts with his company. Garth currently consults with school districts around the world and provides customized professional development around a variety of topics, mainly Professional Learning Communities 2.0, Learning-Centered Grading Practices, Leadership and School Improvement. Garth is also the author of Collaborative Systems of Support: Learning for ALL with co-authors Tom Hierck and Chris Weber, Target-Based Grading in Collaborative Teams: 13 Steps to Moving Beyond Standards with co-author Tom Hierck, Grading for Impact: Raising Student Achievement through a Target-Based Assessment and Learning System and PLC 2.0: Collaborating for Observable Impact in Today’s Schools with co-author Cale Birk.   

        • Garth is watching: Suits
        • Garth is reading:  Recalibrate the Culture by Jimmy Casas 

        Becky Pepper:

        Becky Peppler is the Director of The STAGR (Standards, Targets, Assessment, Grading & Reporting) Center (a division of FIRST Educational Resources). She has 15 years of professional experience in public education, working in the Winneconne Community School District in northeast Wisconsin. Becoming the “go to” person nationally for assessment and grading support, Becky has spent time as a 6-12 Instructional Coach with a focus on supporting teachers in the classroom on a daily basis. Prior to her role as an instructional coach, Becky taught Chemistry and Forensic Science and was the 6-12 Science Curriculum Chair. She is a member of the Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers (WSST), where she was awarded the Excellence in Science Education Award for the state of Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin Science Education Leadership Association (WSELA). Becky has helped the Winneconne Community School District transition to Target Based Grading at the middle and high school levels. She has a passion for designing meaningful assessments practices, making reassessment work, target-based learning implementation, building social and emotional skills and ensuring that all students continue to learn at high levels. Becky currently consults to school districts all over the United States in these areas. 

        • Becky is reading: None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell

        Reflection Questions:   

        • Question 1: What are you most looking forward to in this school year?
        • Question 2: How do you get the most out of your professional learning opportunities? 
        • Question 3: Who has inspired you to be the educator you want to be?

        Connect with the guests!

        Educator Connection:

        Author, and global presenter, Dr. Phil Warrick joins us for a mini episode sharing content from his breakout session at the 2023 Sourcewell Educator Summit. Dr. Phil encourages us to focus on “the right work” using the High Reliability Schools Framework created in collaboration with Marzano Research. 

        What is HRS?

        • High Reliability Schools – based on the research of Highly Reliable Organization (an organization that will not tolerate high levels of failure)

        • Marzano Research built a blueprint (18 months of research) to encourage low (or no) levels of failure for schools 

        What is the "right work"?

        • Using a qualitative analysis of foundational research studies, Dr. Phil and Marzano Research created a list of leading indicators for schools  
        • Leading indicator is an economics term meaning the conditions you want to establish and sustain for your best opportunity to be successful  
        • Education Research was applied to create targets for schools  
        • The work begins with the adults in the system; no single person in an organization ever truly acts alone

        The New Art and Science of Teaching

        • Level 2 leading indicator: the school clarifies and uses a model of instruction that is research-validated and applicable across grade levels and content  

        • 43 research validated elements that are interdependent on one another (not isolated)  

        • The elements identify the conditions necessary to acquire knowledge, but teachers have defined autonomy in how each element or condition is carried out  

        • Tight on research-based strategies; loose on what you choose to create the elements and conditions for learning  

        • Use the research base and make it your own; practice snapshots of the 43 elements  

        • The model accounts for phases of learning: brand new, deepen, application

        Advice from Dr. Phil:

        • As much as the pandemic has been a struggle, it’s time to move forward; our kids need us  
        • There is no substitute for the human contact that occurs in the classroom  
        • If you can cultivate effective student-teacher relationships, everything else falls into place; build the human connection first

        Resources and References:

        Reflection Questions:

        • What is the instructional framework that your school uses? What is working well? What needs refinement?  
        • What are the “tight” research-based practices used across grade levels and content areas? Where does teacher autonomy show up?  
        • What “right work” have you been zeroed in on? Is there anything you need to let go of or be more intentional about?

        Connect with our guest Dr. Phil Warrick

        Educator Connection: 

        Starting the new school year can produce some nerves or anxiety.  Will I be able to manage my classroom? Which rituals and routines do I choose? How do I know if it’s working and what do I do if I feel like it’s all falling apart? Jacki Brickman from The Catalyst Approach joins us to share a different way to thinking about the rituals and routines that we establish that help the adults in the room create well-managed classroom learning spaces.

        Let's define what we mean:

        • Ritual: The feeling that comes with the routines (i.e. things that brings you joy), provides connectedness    
        • Routine: shorter procedures (i.e. turning in your papers), provides patterns and predictability which makes kids feel safe  
        • Similarities: Both need to be purpose driven, both provide a means to an end 

        Routines and Rituals that impact classroom management all year:

        • They can be established anytime; the important part is that the adult knows why and how they are doing it  
        • When we start earlier, students have the opportunity to get more reps in, but you can try something new at any time  
        • You can’t possibly teach every routine in the first week, plus that would be very boring!  
        • Sometimes you need to add a procedure or routine when you notice something isn’t going well    
        • Regulate yourself 

        Classroom Management connected to the larger school system:

        • Is the rule so you can blame someone else? “Sorry it’s the school rule!”  
        • Does the rule make sense and have a meaningful purpose?    
        • Did we really “forget” the rule or procedure or is something else happening (i.e. weather changes); have the adults done their part?    
        • When routines fall apart, it might be because the adult has made a change 

        Mistakes, missteps, or missed opportunities:

        • Believing things should be time based – “It’s been 6 weeks, why don’t they know this!”  
        • Prioritizing speed over everything else (why, timing, understanding level). “Fast” can cause anxiety  
        • Not aligning the routine to an authentic purpose; just aligning it to a rule or a reward  
        • Kids want to feel they are connected to a bigger purpose in the school system, not just to follow a rule because it’s a rule    
        • Assuming just because it’s been taught, “kids should know” and if they aren’t doing it, it’s because they aren’t motivated to do it or don’t want to do it  
        • Stop using public shaming as a classroom management strategy    
        • Trying to be perfect and teach everything on the first day/week  
        • It’s never too late to try something new or solve a problem  
        • Teaching the routine only when you need it instead of “Out of the Now” 

        Resources and References:

        Reflection Questions:

        • Where did you feel affirmed in this episode and where did you feel challenged?  
        • What shift or take away do you want to try?  
        • What support do you need to make that shift or new application? 

        Connect with Jacki!

        Educator Connection:

        Dr. Muhammad lights the way for educators committed to supporting all students, discussing how to relentlessly pursue success for all students. We know that transforming school culture starts with each individual in a school building.  We can begin to change spaces and conversations if we’re courageous enough to speak out when injustices occur.  Listen in while Dr. Muhammad packs some incredibly powerful truths into this mini episode. 

        What can I do as an individual educator to support healthy school culture?

        • We need the courage to speak our truth and stand on our truth in the dark and in the light
        • A (negative) vocal minority has more impact that a silent majority 
        • Speaking your truth helps to shrink the circle of influence from those negative influences 
        • Integrity is the willingness to accept repercussions for something you have a deep conviction about

        Problematic mindsets

        • There is a major mindset problem when the troubles of students that are victims of the achievement gap face (kids of color, kids of poverty, kids with disabilities, immigrants, English learners) don’t bother us deeply 
        • There is a mindset problem when we see students’ lack of success as an inconvenience rather than motivation to serve and to help

        The Liberation Mindset

        • We (educators) are the door between success and failure
        • What we (educators) do actually makes a difference  
        • Educators are on a relentless pursuit to find “the right keys” to “open the door” to success 
        • We must own our faults and talk about it

        Advice from Dr. Muhammad:

        • Learn the lessons of COVID: self-care is important, everyone’s experience matters 
        • We can take the best out of tragedy and produce a new normal and foundation for the future. Let’s not go back and revisit the errors of the past.

        Resources and References:

        Reflection Questions:

        • When have you had the courage to speak out against negative school culture (adult behavior)? 
        • When have you found yourself in problematic mindsets? What can you do to shift?
        • When have you found yourself in a liberation mindset? How can you stay there and positively influence others to join you?

        Connect with Dr. Muhammad:

        Educator Connection:

        Brains aren't a one-size-fits-all organ, yet our school systems were created to best serve students with neurotypical brains. Students and adults whose brains work differently encounter extra challenges daily that can leave them exhausted and misunderstood. Returning Ed Soul guests Jacki Brickman and Lisa Worden share their personal journeys to understanding their own ADHD diagnosis and ideas on supporting others that may be experiencing a variety of mental health challenges.  

        Understanding ADHD

        • Main categories include inattentive, hyperactivity, and compulsivity; sometimes there are combinations of these categories AND includes additional categories such as executive functioning or sleep patterns 
        • Inattentive doesn’t mean not focusing on anything, it means focusing on many things; when all sensory inputs are given the same amount of importance, it’s hard to filter and can be tiring     
        • Inattentive could be a symptom of something else   
        • ADHD should not be categorized as defiant, making a choice, apathic, lazy, or not caring    
        • There is a difference between learning a compensation skill (recommended) and reteaching the same skill repeatedly (not recommended)
        • Sometimes schools respond with a social skill strategy, which can lead to marking symptoms so that other people are more comfortable (not recommended) instead of teaching other people about how the brain works (recommended)

        What should educators and parents know?

        • Just because you can’t understand what it would be like; listen to peoples’ experiences and believe them    
        • You don’t have to know if there is a diagnosis to give someone grace, empathy, or support when they are having a hard moment   
        • Stop sorting things into (only) three possible responses: 1. they need a lesson on it 2. they need to be reminded of the rule, or 3. we need to find the right motivational strategy    
        • If there is a repeated behavior, you could get together with a team to look at other supports, but in the moment respond with empathy    
        • Additional behaviors can manifest from growing up being misunderstood; when you’re used to defending yourself, responses can show up as anger, defiance, or shutting down – which leads to more additional disorders; sometimes they are connected and sometimes we (the adults) are doing the escalating    
        • Trauma can come from continually being expected to do something you are not capable of doing – then you start to think you must be dumb or don’t try hard enough   
        • Learn about the brain; be careful not to manipulate learnings, for example knowing that there is a reward center in the brain does not mean attaching it to a ticket system   
        • Using things like fear and unrelated consequences doesn’t change behavior and if they do, it’s fear based    
        • Be mindful of systems that are in placed to support neurotypical folks primarily    
        • There are things a person with ADHD will notice and problems they can solve that no one else can see or notice  

        Depression and other mental health challenges

        • Depression can show up in a variety of emotions   
        • Pay attention to a change in emotions or behavior i.e., withdrawing, trouble concentrating    
        • People often associate mental health challenges with choice; the concept of choice is so ingrained in our culture    
        • Offer support; Do say things like, “That stinks”, “I’m sorry this is happening.” “How can I support you.” Don’t say things like, “I know what that’s like.” “Everyone feels that way sometimes.” Or “It could be worse.” 

        Strategies for support:

        • Listen to people and believe them; being believed takes a load off   
        • Try to understand people, not “fix” them   
        • Strategies for ADHD: (adults) make a checklist, give a second chance, don’t mirror or match the emotion coming at you, smile, give grace, model habits – verbalize your own strategies, verbalize the next three things you will do   
        • Before focusing on the student, look at the environment. How is the environment helping or hurting the experience of the student   
        • Have the conversation; the worse thing to say is nothing if you’re afraid there is a mental concern 

        Resources and References:

        Reflection Questions:

        • What did you learn or hear that surprised you? Why was it surprising? What will you do with this new information?   
        • What strategy will you take with you? What is something you want to share with someone else? Who else needs to hear this conversation?    
        • How comfortable are you having conversations about mental health challenges? What can you do to increase your comfort level? What can you do to help support the comfort level of other adults in your building?  

        Connect with Jacki and Lisa!

        Educator Connection:

        November is Native American Heritage Month. This episode brings you primary voices featured live from our Sourcewell professional learning opportunity, Using an Indigenous Lens that Honors the Past, Present, and Future. Each guest brings a unique personal and professional perspective on the importance of Indigenizing the curriculum both for native and non-native students alike.  

        Meet the panelists:

        Charles Black Lance

        Charles Black Lance is Lakota/Ojibwe and has worked in higher education for 20+ years. He currently serves as the Director of TRIO (Academic Support) Programs at Central Lakes College in Brainerd, MN. He is passionate about the importance of educating oneself and contributing to others' learning journey.  

        Govinda Budrow

        Govinda is an Educator at Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College; she spent 16 years teaching at Nay Ah Shing School District on the Mille Lacs. She grew up in an Indigenous family; her mother is from White Earth and her father is from Fond du Lac. Govinda shows up in this work to create positive change in for her community when too often Native people are not even being seen. 

        Krystel Sam

        Krystel’s family is from the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, though not native herself. Krystel has worked for the Brainerd Public Schools supporting curriculum and the Indian Education Department. She now works as a para for Onamia Public Schools. She uses her personal life experiences of viewing through both the white and Native lens to help others broaden their perspectives.  

        Dr. Misty Wilkie

        Misty is a citizen of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa. She is a nurse by trade and has worked in higher education at Bemidji State and now U of M in the nursing doctoral program. Indigenous knowledge has always been important but now western society is recognizing what Native communities have known for thousands of years.  

        Resources and References:

        Educator Connections: Minnesota is home to 11 federally recognized tribes and our Minnesota academic standards are written to reflect and include Native perspectives that represent both historical and contemporary examples. Odia Wood-Krueger from Understand Native Minnesota and Eden Bart from the Minnesota Humanities Center help us fill in potential missing gaps, share insights and wisdom, and connect us with vetted resources to Indigenize the curriculum and do it well.

        What surprising to you about the "Restoring our Place" Report:

        • State standards change without much support to teachers; that’s hard!   
        • There is a large middle ground of folks that have the opportunity to learn more or retreat; we hope they lean in   
        • Folks report it’s still difficult to find resources and there are still teachers that are not confident teaching Native content; many are afraid to do it “wrong” 
        • As educators learn more, there are feelings of anger when they discover all that was missed connected to Native curriculum because history was/is told from the white perspective.

        Supporting change and state standards:

        • New Minnesota standards include 87 mentions of Native folks in ELA content along. Other standards changing to include Native mentions are science, art, and social studies.
        • When choosing texts, consider the bullseye approach: In the center is Minnesota tribal members, next ring is other Anishinaabe and Dakota people, next ring is other tribal communities living  in Minnesota, and the outer ring is Indigenous people from all over the world
        • It’s our job as educators to make sure we are vetting the resources we use and the stories we share and letting go of stories that are harmful, even if it is a favorite or has a lot of nostalgia connected to it (i.e., Island of the Blue Dolphins)  
        • Reevaluate how you teach thanksgiving. It’s a holiday that never actually existed; it came to be hundreds of years later with the goal of gathering people; but it wasn’t the story we are told. Check out resources below. 

        Advice from our guests:

        • Be bold! Ask questions, reach out to Native folks   
        • Attend a Pow Wow; shop in Indigenous shops; read books by Native authors   
        • Ask for the PD you know you need; check in with your American Indian Liaison    
        • Build relationships with Native folks over time; if you bring in a speaker or a guest, offer an honorarium  

        Odia's picks:

        Eden's picks:

        General Resources and References:

        Teaching Thanksgiving Resources

        Reflection Questions:

        • This episode was jam packed with resources and suggestions, where is the first place you want to start?  
        • What gaps in your own learning and knowledge have been uncovered? What professional development do you need to advocate for? Where will you get it? Reach out if you need help finding something.   
        • In what ways will you commit to no longer perpetuating myths or misconceptions about Native people? Who will you share this commitment with so our impact is instantly doubled? 

        Connect with Odia and Eden!

        • Find Eden through the Minnesota Humanities Center here 
        • Connect with Odia Wood-Krueger here  

        Educator Connection: January is National Poverty Awareness month. In this episode, poverty expert Paul Gorski gives us concrete examples of ways that well-intentioned traditions create economic barriers for students and their families, offering guidance on  what  to focus on instead. Paul helps us reflect on our own ideologies around deficit thinking so that when we say we want to prioritize children’s needs, our actions will match.  

        Deficit Ideology defined:

        • Deficit perspective is identifying weaknesses over strengths; deficit ideology is the deeper system that undergirds that thinking. It’s the belief that disparities exist because of a fault of people (that are also on the losing end of those disparities).
        • It shows up in our framing language, for example: achievement gap vs. opportunity gap; generational poverty vs. generational inequity; drop out vs. push out   
        • In the United States, we are socialized to have a deficit ideology; if I’m led to believe that anyone can achieve anything based on hard work alone (meritocracy), it makes it easier to buy into deficit ideology.    
        • The focus is always “we have to fix those people” instead of “we need to fix these systems.” 

        School examples:

        • Discipline responses that are focused on teaching, making, or enforcing rules vs. looking at bias in adults or systems
        • Family engagement strategies that focus on convincing low-income families they should care about school events, rather than making school events more accessible   
        • Parents feeling less than, lectured at, or made to feel like they don’t care; sometimes it’s an intentional decision to save emotional energy for a family rather than have it drained at a school where they don’t feel respected     
        • Micro-humiliations: day-to-day experiences that aren’t intended to humiliate but have that impact, i.e., exchanging items or gift, fundraisers that put kids in competition with one another 

        How to respond:

        • A public school should not have opportunities where some families can buy more opportunities and others are locked out of them.   
        • Take inventory on the K-12 accumulative impact of all the extra curriculars, trips, activities, or classes a student might be locked out of and work to mitigate or eliminate this practice. Ask yourself, what is the value add? What is the learning connection?   
        • Think self critically, does what we say publicly about our need to prioritize kids match our practice? If not, what adjustments do we need to make?    
        • Students are experiencing micro-humiliations, bias, or racism in schools right now; we must be willing to have conversations about what they are experiencing 

        Resources and References:

        Reflection Questions:

        • Where have you seen deficit ideology arise in your setting? When have you seen it pop up in yourself?   
        • What are the learning opportunities that we are selling? How can we limit this, if we can’t eliminate it all together?   
        • What is one thing you will commit to that will remove micro-humiliations from your classroom or school building? 

        Connect with Paul!

        Educator Connection:

        In this episode we are diving into the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) with Shelly Munoz. Shelly is a 25-year educator who has a passion for all things science and STEM. She’ll share a variety of resources to support your science instruction, including simple shifts and first steps for implementing new standards, phenomenon to watch for this year, and how to tap into all things science and STEM, right in our own backyard.  

        Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):

        • NGSS is three-dimensional learning: science engineering practices (what to learn), cross-cutting concepts (how to think), disciplinary core ideas all woven together
        • New shift: Focus on “What are you figuring out?” vs. “What are you learning?”    
        • New shift: Focus on educators as “Guide on the side” vs. “Sage on the stage”    
        • New shift: Focus on systems that build, connect, and storyline vs. choppy, day-to-day learning in isolation   
        • New shift: Focus on performance expectations (show or tell your learning) vs. regurgitation of facts    
        • NGSS asks students to have conversations, ask questions, and develop their own models   
        • Sample NGSS sentence stems: What do you notice? What do you wonder?   
        • Pro tip: start with a phenomenon notice and wonder T chart, move to integrating talk moves, give opportunities to make a claim, provide reasoning, and name evidence (CRE) 

        Examples of science in our own backyard: 

        • MN is full of real-life, hands-on opportunities, where students are the solution makers   
        • Agriculture and farming connection: science, technology engineering, mathematics in crop management, soil health, or livestock production   
        • Forests, lakes, sustainability efforts, geology, water/well testing, wildlife conservation and influence of land use   
        • MN has four very distinct seasons ; lean into meteorology and weather patterns   
        • Snowflake analysis    
        • Bird watching   
        • Healthcare systems   
        • Indigenous studies programs 

        Integration of STEM examples:

        • Work with a STEM integration teacher if you have one   
        • Connect eco-STEM and environmental science opportunities   
        • Start students early! We need strong programs early on or students lose that spark for science   
        • Build in career and technical engineering opportunities connected to school learning  

        Resources and References:

        Reflection Questions:

        • How has your understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards changed or been affirmed after listening to this episode?   
        • Which resources would you like to dig into first? What is your one next step?   
        • Shelly emphasized the importance of networking. Who is your support team? Who will you collaborate with as you develop lessons and create learning experiences for your students? 

        Connect with Shelly!

        Educator Connection: 

        Managing disruptive student behavior is a timeless topic that has generated a lot of professional research. A (MN) statewide survey was released asking educators to rate their own self-efficacy as well as how often or frequently students were sent out of the classroom. In this episode, Dr. Nathan Elliot of the Catalyst Approach shares with us his latest research and results from 3,000+ survey responses on the connection between managing disruptive student behavior and teacher levels of self-efficacy. 

        Why this study:

        • Both the literature and anecdotal teacher conversations name emotional exhaustion (connected to disruptive student behavior) as a direct connection to teacher burnout   
        • Working with humans and balancing the many needs of a classroom is a complex job   
        • We already know that children’s skin color could be a predictor of how they are treated in a school; resulting in harsher consequences, or noticing disruptive behavior more often. This created urgency for studying what the adult role is in why this is happening 

        An adult focus:

        • Adults make subjective judgements about when someone has crossed the line or is too disruptive   
        • Each adult has their own range of what they consider to be disruptive, this creates subjectivity    
        • Traditionally we ask students to adjust their behavior to what the adult (with the power) says is acceptable   
        • Creating the conditions for students to be successful in school is a huge (adult) responsibility    
        • If the adult making decisions for children lacks awareness of that power, that adult could unintentionally make choices that harm children   
        • Adults must be willing to be honest enough to back up and reevaluate responses 


        • Efficacy: The ability to produce the results    
        • Self-efficacy: The belief you have about your own success in producing the results   
        • Teachers with high self-efficacy tend to look inward, i.e. I can solve this problem   
        • Teachers with low self-efficacy tend to look outward (I.e. if only I had a smaller class size, if only the parents were more supportive, if only my budge was larger, if only…)  
        •  When people are overwhelmed, it’s easier to look outward 

        Survey says:

        • A very clear pattern was revealed: folks with high self-efficacy ratings also believed that students should not be sent out of the classroom as often as they are; conversely, folks with low self-efficacy ratings believe that send outs are the answer
        • Affirmation: The data strongly reinforces that self-efficacy is related to the practice of sending students out  

        How do I build my self-efficacy:

        • Believe enough in yourself to stick it out when things are new, hard, or different 
        • Seek out additional skills and support for those skills (coaching) 

        Reflection Questions:

        • How would you rate your own beliefs about self-efficacy and the practice of students being sent out of the classroom or learning experience? Why would you rate yourself like that? 
        • Where did you see yourself in this conversation? What is it that was an affirmation or a surprise for you? 
        • What skills and/or support do you need to seek out to be an even more effective educator? 

        Connect with Dr. Elliot!

        Educator Connection: Kari Yates shares her journey as a literacy leader and offers educators strategies that bring the science of reading into our elementary classrooms. Reading is head and heart work;, Kari addresses the need for the balance of both by starting with one strategy and shift at a time.

        About the “Shifting the Balance” books:

        • Born from a recognition that some things have been out of balance
        • Originally written to uncover what has been missed and (honestly) to defend practices that were under attack
        • The book shares strategies that encourage educators to identify practices to: celebrate and hold on to, that need to be polished up, that we need to let go of, and to make space to include new practices 
        • Suggestion: Read the book all the way through first; then choose a bucket or shift you want to dig into deeply

        Big takeaways:

        • Creating psychological safety in the classroom is essential
        • Oral language primes reading comprehension, oral language development, vocabulary development and intentional knowledge building
        • Background knowledge is the most significant factor when it comes to comprehension, you have to know something about a topic (Shift 1 in Grades 3-5)
        • The brain has to make sense of every word it’s going to store through orthographic mapping
        • When kids rely on compensatory strategies early on, reading falls apart when text gets more challenging
        • ‘Sight word’ is a status that words earn, not just high frequency words (Shift 4 in Grades K-2)
        • Learn to embrace (good) decodable texts; make sure they still give kids something to think and learn about
        • Kari’s personally ‘biggest shift’: Shift 5 in Grades K-2 on MSV cuing systems

        Independent Reading Shifts:

        • The relationship between volume and time spent reading and becoming a better reader is much more indirect and more of a correlation (Shift 6 in Grades 3-5)
        • Research shows extrinsic motivators show a positive effect in the short run, but when it’s taken away, the motivation drops back even further than when a student started
        • It’s tempting to rely on extrinsic motivators like pizzas, points, and prizes, but making sure all kids have access to lots of high-quality texts (text sets, not leveled texts) is more important
        • Choice matters and is a motivator for kids, however it doesn’t need to mean completely open-ended choice all of the time, the teacher can and should still be involved in selecting texts
        • Levels can be a demotivator; the most important place for levels is resource for teachers, not students
        • No level can account for is what students bring to a text (background knowledge matters)
        • When you’re motivated to read a text, you’re willing to engage in a productive struggle

        Resources and References:

        Reflection Questions:

        • Consider your feelings around the term, “The Science of Reading” what emotions come up for you on this topic? What thoughts and actions follow your emotional response?
        • Where did you feel affirmed? Where did you think, “Oh shift!” I need to learn more about that?
        • What will be your first next step as you work to build momentum towards meaningful shifts?

        Connect with Guest Name!

        Educator Connection: Artificial Intelligence isn’t going away. In fact, it will probably only become more and more embedded into our daily lives. Sourcewell experts Rachel Johnson and Mary Mehsikomer share ways to embrace this rapidly changing technology with our students and in our classrooms instead of shying away from it.

        What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)?:

        • IS computers analyzing data and identifying patterns
        • IS learning from us as we continually input information 
        • IS a helper or a consultant for humans
        • IS NOT human, won’t replace humans, but may change the landscape of current jobs and enhance our abilities 
        • IS NOT infallible, don’t take everything at face value

        AI can be an educator ally: 

        • Take on routine tasks such as attendance 
        • Save time: provide grading or communication feedback, help with idea generation or creativity 
        • Provide efficiency gains around lesson planning time, differentiations or personalizing activities 

        What about cheating:

        • Flip the thinking from cheating to helper
        • Change the ways that we assign and assess: involve interpreting emotions, critical thinking, or human empathy 
        • We need to teach and guide students about how to use AI
        • We also need to provided education for our educators on how to use AI
        • AI is just another, new component of digital citizenship and digital literacy 
        • Use Chat to help generate feedback on student writing (students and teachers)
        • AI can provide tutoring systems and homework help
        • Increase accessibility, for example, text to speech for reading comprehension for multilingual students or various reading abilities

        Pro tips:

        • Not every tool stands the test of time; dabble in a couple resources
        • Two ways to interact: use a specific formula: specific audience + objective + ways to interact + assessment or use it as an inquiry process; start general and then hone it down 
        • Include media specialists to use and educate students
        • Certain platforms have a limited number of responses (generally free versions)
        • Include conversations about bias and discrimination that do exist in the tool
        • AI will make stuff up; it’s called hallucination; we all need to be checking the accuracy of what AI is generating
        • Caution around use AI detectors and accusing students about cheating 
        • Follow Ed Tech leaders on LinkedIn

        Policies and guidance in school districts:

        • Adapt an “educate vs. blocking” mindset
        • Invite students into the conversation and gain student perspectives 
        • Many policies already exist or apply (i.e. around academic integrity and plagiarism)
        • Administrators and staff collaboratively develop guidance rather than policy

        Resources and References:

        Professional learning and networking

        Reflection Questions:

        • What was your comfort level around AI in the classroom at the start of this episode? Did it change? Why or why not?
        • Where are you at in your own learning journey? What is your next step? What resources will you lean into?
        • How do you see AI being a partner to you or your students? 

        Connect with Rachel and Mary!

        Educator Connection:

        In our previous episode, Embracing AI in the Classroom, we began to scratch the surface on both the positives and some of the cautions needed when using AI technology. In this episode, author and educator Jon Fila will take a deep dive on how to make sure we are using AI responsibly by mindfully watching for inevitable discrimination and bias that is baked into the tool.

        Continued benefits of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the classroom: 

        • Easy way to create formative assessments; low risk practice, quiz banks for students that provide feedback in a timely manner and guide instructional moves 
        • Can align with Universal Design principles, student characteristics, or be trained to include those 
        • Customize prompts to include social and emotional learning language, inclusive and anti-racist examples  
        • Ask: Is there someone that has been left out? AI can analyze its own bias 
        • AI can help students get started and generate ideas 

        Cautions of AI: 

        • Ask ChatGPT for what you don’t want: i.e. avoid referring to debunked or outdated practices like learning styles, learning pyramid, left/right brain thinking, etc. 
        • By default, the technology will perpetuate discrimination and won’t support marginalized populations, you must prompt it to do so 
        • Push back on ChatGPT to feed it information about the world we live in now 
        • Remind ChatGPT of your values, i.e. make sure your response include SEL, UDL, anti-racist language, etc. 
        • Educator content expertise is very important. AI will make things up or “lie” aka hallucination, it needs a human check; don’t turn your thinking over to a machine 
        • AI advice without educator review is hugely damaging and problematic 
        • If teachers use AI to “lighten their workload” but don’t teach students to do the same, it can damage relationships 
        • Be aware of sycophantic responses; the machine will tell you what it “thinks” you want to hear 
        • English language learners, Autistic Individuals, etc. are disproportionately being flagged as AI generated 

        Educator tips: 

        • The better you are at using the tools, the less time you have to spend thinking about it 
        • Educators can’t block our way out of the future; it’s inevitable let’s not waste time trying to fight it 
        • Using AI isn’t cheating and accusing students of cheating is a trust and relationship breaker 
        • Giving up “the essay” isn’t the worst thing that could happen. What other ways can students practice written communication? 
        • Language to try when your prompts stall out: “This is vital to my career, and I’d greatly appreciate your insights” 
        • Get started: Get an account on ChatGPT, start asking questions, and see what it does. Talk to a colleague about your experience and problem solve AI tools together 
        • We can’t change behavior through a technological barrier. We have to learn how to work around these tools without blocking or AI detectors 

        Resources and References: 

        Reflection Questions: 

        • What was your comfort level before and after the episode? What is the reason for your response? 
        • Which benefit do you want to lean into? Which caution do you need to be mindful of? 
        • What is your next step? Which resource or tip will you try out? Who will you check in with? 

        Connect with Jon! 

        Educator Connection: 

        In this episode, Jeff Meacham, 2023 keynote speaker from our first ever Student Leadership Conference, shares strategies with students about leaning into leadership characteristics. Jeff encourages students to be advocates, be considerate, and be present.

        Understanding the 5 voices:

        • Voice types: Connector, Nurturer, Creative, Guardian, and Pioneer     
        • These voices help us understand our personality styles, strengths, and challenges; what’s it like to be on the other side of me?   
        • We are a combination of our wiring and our experiences    
        • We are all leading, is anyone following? Are you a leader worth following?    
        • Do we understand the impact we have on other people? 

        Push Pull Behaviors:

        • The left and right hands of leadership; we are either telling (pushing) or listening (pulling)   
        • How much of your time do you spend doing either one?   
        • Knowing our tendencies, our maturity level, and our relationship with the person across from us all play into the decisions we make related to push and pull behaviors   
        • Be aware of how you tend to show up in conversation; is it 80/20 in one form?  

        Advice from Jeff:

        • Be an advocate; fight for one another’s highest good through liberation   
        • We all need to be open to growth and feedback   
        • A true advocate will speak the truth with love    
        • Good leadership means that we don’t treat everyone the same because we all need different things (more challenge or support)   
        • Be thoughtful in the moment when the unexpected happens or we feel disappointed by an outcome   
        • Pause before reacting; consider what might be happening in that person’s life that we can’t see   
        • Slow down, be intentional about what is in front of you; Be. Here. Now.   
        • Practical things: put your phone away or put it down   
        • Invite a friend out and speak the truth in love about how they may be showing up unintentionally    
        • When we are in groups, be mindful of how much we are on our phones   
        • Consider your impact even in small ways; i.e. using people’s names and making eye contact    
        • When you ask, ‘how are you?’ be ready to engage in that answer authentically 

        Resources and References:

        Reflection Questions:

        • What are your leadership tendencies? Do you know what it’s like to be on the other side of you?   
        • In what ways do you advocate for your students? For yourself? How do you teach advocacy?   
        • When did you pause and be considerate when a student did something unexpected or disappointed you? How do you model this behavior for your students? 

        Connect with Jeff!

        Educator Connection: 

        What happens on a Robotics team:

        • Each year the teams build different robots from the same kit of parts 
        • Teams review the rules, determine goals they want to accomplish; each team works to accomplish different goals, the robots are constructed differently  
        • Teams collaborate with one another, everyone’s ideas matter and are built upon 
        • Teams work and compete with students from all over the world, different languages, countries, etc. 
        • It’s not just about building robots, there are many jobs on the team: business side, writing for awards, reaching out to sponsors, creating a media team, networking, scouting, or taking analytics  
        • In between competitions there is dancing, mascots, and cheering  
        • Winning is fun, but it’s also fun to meet other teams, encourage and collaborate with one another while sharing the passion of robotics and engineering  

        Benefits of an all-girls team:

        • Builds confidence in a male dominated field  
        • Gives an opportunity to show what you know and overcome obstacles and barriers  
        • In co-ed teams the girls tend to get pushed into certain roles (i.e. writing roles); on an all-girls team you get to try out all the skills. 
        • According to their coach, the girls’ team tends to put out a better product and has more attention to detail 
        • Females are breaking into traditionally male dominated fields and accelerating at it 
        • The Cass Lake Bena team sits on the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe land and incorporates indigenous culture by wearing “battle braids”, beaded earrings, and ribbons shirts or ribbon skirts to competitions 

        Breaking down barriers:

        • Typically very few young women in engineering or STEM courses  
        • Males in these fields don’t seem to realize what they’re doing or have an awareness of the gender differences, but females often feel excluded even if it’s not purposeful  
        • Young women need to clearly speak up, sometimes verbalizing, “I’m not being heard.” 
        • Sometimes a lack of awareness is on both sides: i.e. a male saying, “let me help you with that” and a female letting them do the task when she didn’t need or ask for the help  
        • Overcoming and shifting mindsets is difficult 
        • There is nothing you can’t do; we need to take the blinders off and show others that women can do it 
        • We are realizing our ideas matter and showing ourselves and others that we are more than capable  

        Words of advice:

        • Listen to your passion; just because it’s not a field that women (or men) typically go into; listen to what you really want to do and don’t ignore it just because it doesn’t fit someone’s stereotype 
        • Join a robotics team! “It’s the hardest fun you’re ever going to have.” Including opportunities to travel 
        • Teachers, get involved and see how the process (robotics) is life changing and meaningful for students.  
        • Even if you don’t know anything about robots, jump in and start learning! 
        • If you are doing what you love, it’s work, but it’s fun 

        Resources and References:

        Reflection questions:

        • What activities does your school offer to spark an interest in STEM in elementary, middle school, high school and beyond? 
        • How can educators not only empower our young women to speak up and make their ideas and voices heard, but help our young men recognize gender bias they may be operating with unconsciously? 
        • What other opportunities (inside and outside the classroom) does your school provide where students can build confidence, learn collaboration, and problem solve (aka 21st/22nd century skills)? 

        Connect with the teams!


        Educator Connection:

        Educators are both teachers and learners. Because we have the privilege of supporting students from a variety of backgrounds and identities, we also have the responsibility to understand and support all students. Knowing how to create environments that are safe and inclusive for our students that identify as LGBTQ+ can be a make-or-break experience for students. Listen in as human rights advocate, Ellie Krug shares how we can lean into our empathetic heart while supporting our LGBTQ+ students in rural spaces. 

        Why is this topic important for everyone?

        • Educators can “make or break” our students through their school experiences   
        • Unless we can guarantee that we will never encounter someone “different” from ourselves in our lifetime, we need to lean into the voices of those considered “other” to gain perspective and learning   
        • Closed decisions are usually based in fear; most people have truly empathetic hearts    
        • We are all trying to survive the human condition (even if you feel safe currently)   
        • Everybody could potentially be “othered” at some point 

        Understanding the queer community:

        • 1969 the word “queer” was weaponized; in the ‘80s the community took back the word “queer” as a source of pride   
        • Queer kids are very astute to what is going on around them (i.e. MN 6th grader worried about decisions in FL)    
        • Many students are scared to come out to their parents, they are afraid of loss (love, relationship, etc.)   
        • There is social contagion for everything; however, it’s hard to come out and head down a road filled with grief    
        • Transitioning is not a linear experience   
        • Human authenticity will not leave you alone until you listen    
        • When students play with gender expression (clothing, nail polish, etc.) it is a way of grabbing parts of authenticity, a way to try and feel closer to whole   
        • If you feel it’s impossible to live as you, that it can never change, you lose all hope   Attempted suicide rate is 40 times higher in LGBTQ+ youth (source) 

        Lean into empathy

        • Educators showing love and empathy can make a huge different in the life of a queer kid   
        • Make time for kids; even a 15-minute conversation with a child could change a student’s life   
        • Tell young people that they are worthy and they matter; queer kids in particular don’t feel this   
        • As educators we are in the profession of teaching and learning. If this is new, attend classes, seminars, listen to podcasts, etc. We need to educate ourselves    
        • If it’s overwhelming, take a break and come back to it   
        • Administrators ultimately have the power to allow supports for queer kids or not 

        Resources and reference:

        Reflection questions:

        • When do you feel your most authentic self? How would it feel if you had to check that part of you at the door to be in your school or classroom?    
        • What is your comfort or experience level around supporting LGBTQ+ youth? What  will you read, listen to, or watch to help stay informed and educated?   
        • How do you advocate for safe spaces for each and every student? What do you do when you become aware of spaces in the school that are not safe?  

        Connect with Ellie!

        Educator connection:

        April is Autism Awareness Month. We are joined by the CEO of Empowering Kids, Tiffany Schroeer to share how neurodivergent individuals operate and how educators can provide a best-fit environment. Great news, what’s good for neurodivergent kids is good for neurotypical kids too! 


        • Neurodivergent: an umbrella term that can encompass anyone whose brain experiences the world differently.   
        • Neurotypical: brains that function similar to most of their peers   
        • ADHDers: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder   
        • AuDHD: A person who is diagnosed with both autism and ADHD  
        • EBD: Emotional Behavior Disorder  

        Language and labels:

        • Labels can give a general helpful direction including feeling understood by others or themselves better   
        • Labels can be hurtful when there is stigma attached, overgeneralizations, create shame and/or fear
        • Mental health and physical health receive different (emotional) responses    
        • Language and labels depends on the person, the context, and the situation   
        • Labels can be helpful and hurtful, but you can’t get help until you have a label  

        General educator and special educator tips:

        • Knowing your own profile is as important as understanding others   
        • Recognize your influence in your environment; how you organize, label, decorate, etc.    
        • Active environments may not be regulating or supportive to Autistics; the teacher can add to dysregulation    
        • What might seem like a simple task to you, is not for Autistic and ADHD students   
        • Streamline and simplify transitions both cognitively and content related, keep directions or visuals in permanent locations; Use non-verbal cues to set up routines for things like walking in   
        • Give yourself permission to pause, if you aren’t regulated, you cannot regulate others or co-regulate   
        • If it’s not a great day, don’t try to push any interventions   
        • Don’t judge parents on what they should be doing   
        • Be open to experiencing things differently, get clear on the “why” of tasks; is there another way? Offer choice.    
        • Shaming students or families for how they are wired is harmful   
        • Mental health plays a massive role in teaching  

        Resources and references:

        Reflections questions:

        • Would you describe yourself as neurotypical or neurodivergent? How do you know? How has it impacted your school experience?   
        • What is your teaching profile? Which students and environments are best fits for you?   
        • What will you do to increase your knowledge and awareness of brain wiring that is new or different to you? 

        Connect with Tiffany!

        Educator connection:

        Dr. Mario Acosta will be joining us as our keynote speaker for the 2024 Sourcewell Educator Summit. Listen in as he unpacks school culture, relationship building, and standards referenced reporting. Sign up your team to come see him in person and meet the rest of the High Reliability Team this August. 

        Building a solid foundation:

        • Create a culture where educators keep their autonomy, and move in the same direction (rowboat metaphor)   
        • School systems must individualize for students in systematic ways (move away from the industrial model)   
        • Every adult in the building is part of the village that has an impact on children   
        • Create an environment where kids want to come to school, are happy, feel loved, safe, and have at least one adult that they feel connected to

        Building meaningful relationships:

        • Post -pandemic, kids are struggling to stay motivated, they need to find value in tasks and have buy-in 
        • Teachers must keep high expectations for all students, “We will not, not let them learn.”  
        • Re-assess behavior management process. Brains are physiologically wired differently due to technology; the environment has shifted and kids’ attention spans are different  
        • Find a way to make a personal connection with each student, daily  
        • Celebrate the things that are going well that aren’t tied to a standardized test – i.e. growth  

        Create culturally responsive and trauma-informed schools:

        • Simple tool: The goldfish with a shark fin metaphor  
        • Above the water is the shark fin = negative behaviors manifested because of what students are experiencing  
        • Under the water is a goldfish = the root cause of what might be needed or gaps to fill 
        • We have to hold the shark fin accountable for its sharky behaviors AND feed the fish  
        • If you only punish the shark and throw it right back in the water, we haven’t solved the problem 
        • The human brain can be repaired, when you feed the fish you are actually helping to repair the brain 
        • We also need to restore additional practices – if there are no consequences for behaviors, what is to stop them from doing the same thing again. We must create and sustain behaviors to help them function in society 

        Standards reference reporting:

        • Before we jump to standards-based grading, we must embrace standards-based learning  
        • Report cards are political, they involve the parents, community, board, etc.  
        • The foundation for successful standards referenced reporting is a safe supportive culture, effective teaching, strong curriculum, and then we can approach standards reporting; grading is the last step 
        • Mindset shifts must be made as well as curricular to be successful  

        Resources and references:

        Reflection questions:

        • What are some strategies you are confident using or already use? What is something new you want to learn more about?  
        • What does standard based learning mean to you? Where is your school at on this journey? 
        • Can you think of a time when you had to corral the sharky behaviors and feed a fish? How did this approach create success for both the student and the teacher? How would you do things differently if this is a new concept? 

        Connect with Dr. Acosta!

        Educator connection:

        Looking for an opportunity for some hands-on, real-world, critical thinking and problem-solving learning for your students?  This episode is loaded with resources and experiences from the Minnesota Zoo. Experts and fellow educators, Kristi Berg and Liz Gilles share how you can get involved.  

        About ZOO Design Challenge:

        • An opportunity to use the zoo as a context for learning about animals and STEM   
        • Students solve real world problems that will be used by the animals at the zoo   
        • Each year there is a new challenge or focus, May 2024 the new challenge will be released   
        • Students learn real animal needs, and build empathy for animals in new ways   
        • Students explore STEM skills needed to work with animals or as a conservation biologist   
        • Seeing a career in action makes a difference in creating potential career paths for students   
        • Participation is flexible, no matter where you are geographically or what your school structure looks like 

        Next Generation Science Standards connections:

        • Programs are mapped to fit new standards 
        • Curriculum can be downloaded from the website or activities are set up at the MN Zoo (at no extra cost)  
        • Example: Biomimicry is in the standards and has shifted, MN Zoo has resources to support on the website 
        • MN Zoo is the largest environmental education center in the state 

        Collaboration with Native groups:

        Resources and references:

        Reflection questions:

        • How have you incorporated STEM activities into your classroom? How might you use a zoo activity to create another high-engaging, real-world problem-solving opportunity? 
        • What are some ways you have (or will) incorporate environmental or nature education into your science curriculum? 
        • How have you (or might you) incorporated indigenous wisdom and conservation knowledge into your current science program? 

        Connect with Liz and Kristi!

        Educator connection:

        Do you have a student that is almost ready to graduate? This episode is for you! Listen in as our guest, Luke Greiner, regional analyst from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development shares data to help student make smart financial and career decisions. Don’t forget to register to join us this summer at the Sourcewell Educator Summit 2024 and hear from Luke in person. 

        Analytic data and graduates: 

        • Our labor force isn’t growing as fast as it once was, we can’t afford to continue doing what we have been doing 
        • We don’t need more jobs; we need the right people for the jobs that we already have 
        • Studies show college grads seven years post-graduation has huge variation in financial outcomes 
        • Most students’ grasp of money isn’t strong and they aren’t thinking of future unintended cost consequences  
        • Going to college is different now than it was a generation ago; extra time is extra cost, and decreases the likelihood of degree completion  
        • Education, for many (unlicensed) occupations, does not have education requirements attached to it; it’s used as a filter depending on the job market 
        • The vast majority of jobs do not require a 4-year education or higher  

        The gap year: 

        • A gap year can be an excellent choice if you don’t know what you want to do, college is not designed to be a career exploration destination  
        • Explore your interests and gain perspective in the fields you are considering  
        • Talk to folks in the field, learn all the different parts of the job and find what your interests are 


        • To students: ask questions about what you’re interested in, review the DEED website to explore options 
        • To educators: remember how influential you are, the way you talk about your own community and careers makes a difference in what students choose to pursue  
        • Instead of asking, “where are you going?” (to high school grads ask), “what do you want to be? 

        Resources and references: 

        Reflection questions: 

        • What was new or surprising information? What resources are you interested in following up on? 
        • How does your school include current data trends into course selections, post-secondary advice, or personal finance learning? What could you shift, add, or change? 
        • How could you incorporate data from the DEED website to create a real-life, hands-on learning project for students?  

        Connect with Luke! 

        Educator connection:

        May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. In this episode we are joined by Minnesota author, speaker, and educator, Kao Kalia Yang to share about the power of art, literature, and connection in the classroom. Kalia’s poetic stories and insights help reveal the power of seeing oneself in our own learning journey and being open to the various ways of knowing and doing that exist in our communities.  

        Lessons learned from Kalia:

        • Students are not only consumers of knowledge, but producers of knowledge  
        • Teachers cannot be the engine for the learning that students need to do, at our very best; we are companions with them on the journey 
        • Love requires that we are patient; we can’t force or protect, but we can be patient and kind 
        • Questions are a wonderful way of inviting others into the conversation 
        • Press pause if we aren’t prepared to engage 
        • Consider: is there another way to think about this? The failure of the American education system is that there is only one way to do something right 
        • We put great responsibility on ourselves (as teachers) to know everything; it’s ok for the adults to admit that they don’t know either, it increases our ability to learn 
        • A teacher's ability to learn is proportionate to their ability to admit they don’t know everything 

         Seeing ourselves and others in literature:

        • As a kid who is quiet, lonely, and new to the landscape, I know what it’s like to be hungry for kindness in the world 
        • Books create connections to all kinds of characters (i.e. a father who loved us dearly)  
        • Different books speak to the many parts of our humanity and universal experiences (i.e. hunger)  
        • It is the pulse of humanity that readers are looking to feel 
        • Sharing the Hmong story speaks not only to Hmong American readers, but all different ages and races by pointing us to our own story; the landscape that we inhabit together, not apart  
        • Great stories live when patterns are broken, when we let others in  
        • Asian American literature is always relevant, it’s always relevant to think of the world as a complicated place 

        Resources and references:

        Reflection questions:

        • How have you (or will you) work to include a balance of literature where students can both see themselves represented and also have windows into other worlds? 
        • Kalia’s story about her father cutting down trees represents the ability to problem solve from multiple perspectives, how do you provide students an opportunity to think about learning, problem solving, and knowledge from more than one perspective?  
        • What stories from AAPI authors have you incorporated into your library and curriculum? What do you want to add? 

        Connect with Kalia!

        Educator connection:  

        Every year Sourcewell recognizes regional educators at our Educators of Excellence banquet and in this episode, we have the opportunity to hear from one of our 2024 Educators of Excellence. Meet Clayton Lang, Elementary Physical Education teacher from Cuyuna Range Elementary School in Crosby-Ironton, Minnesota. 

        Highlights from the Crosby-Ironton School District: 

        What Clayton loves best about being in education: 

        • Sharing his passion for athletics and physical wellness 
        • Supporting health and wellness in safe ways 
        • Providing access to activities, especially in the outdoors  
        • Supportive administration, colleagues, and amazing kids! 

        Challenges about being a current educator: 

        • Students struggling with basic gross and fine motor movements 
        • “Screen time pandemic;" not enough time playing outside  
        • Students have a hard time being in the moment 

        Advice from Clayton: 

        • Be patient, be positive, caring and loving 
        • Don’t take it personal; support students along the way 
        • You will always have trying days, but give it your all every day 

        Resources and References: 

        Reflection Questions: 

        • What do you find most rewarding about being an educator? Why? 
        • What are some of your biggest challenges? What strategies or supports might you need?  
        • How do you connect your personal passions to supporting students in your classroom and community? 

        Connect with Clayton! 

        Educator connection:

        Minnesota author and speaker Joe Beckman joins us in this episode to talk about the importance of human connection and shares strategies for educators.  Joe has spoken all over the world for more than 20 years with one simple mission: to reclaim human connection.

        Kids don't care what you know, until they know that you care

        • Create a space where a kid feels like they belong and trust can be built 
        • Simple ways to build trust and belonging: high five, fun (student approved) nicknames, playing music 
        • Story telling builds trust , #1 way to move from daydream to engagement  
        • Use storytelling as a way to share a vulnerable moment while building hope and trust  
        • We all (kids and adults) know what it feels like to have the big feelings and go through hard times 
        • Educators and parents are put on a platform, when we lower it, we can connect better 
        • We are all seeking real and authentic interactions with one another 

        Legacy building tactics:

        • Legacy can mean a lot of things to different people; Joe’s version based on a student response:  Legacy is the road we build for others to walk on behind us 
        • Moves us away from legacy being about status, statistics, likes, etc. and brings it back to servant leadership  
        • All of us can do our part to build a road for one person or a million people to walk down
        • Legacy is based on our individual strengths and passions, combined with service with others to make a better world for others 

        Educator legacy building tactics:

        • Seek out kid(s) that need affirmation(s), sometimes we need confirmation on things our heart already knows 
        • Legacy includes the small acts of kindness we leave for others  
        • Educators can lean into the power of being seen; use eye contact, smile, high fives, ask questions  
        • Check in on both young people and fellow educators, we all need to feel seen 
        • Embrace boredom! 
        • Seize the season; nothing is permanent, and everything is something we can learn from 

        Educator advice and encouragement:

        • Thank you for who you are and what you do 
        • A teacher can make the difference for making kids feel safe and whether they want to be at school 
        • We are better together, when we can create communities of trust and connection it creates an important legacy 

        Resources and references:

        Reflection questions:

        • What is something you already do that creates safety and trust in your classroom? What is something you want to add? 
        • Look at the kids on your class roster(s); who do you think feels affirmed and who needs an affirmation? Who do you think feels seen and who needs to be seen for who they are? What will you do? 
        • What do you do in your school community to build trust and hope for the kids and the adults that share that space? 

        Connect with Joe Beckman!

        Educator connection:

        In 2021, June 19th or Juneteenth, was declared a National Holiday. Whether you’ve been celebrating Juneteenth for as long as you can remember or still unsure about what the national holiday is all about, we have you covered. Educational Director of Culture and author Pearl Ivory leads us through her own personal insights into Juneteenth and why it’s an important holiday for all of us to recognize, understand, and celebrate.

        What is Juneteenth:

        • It signifies the effective end of slavery in the United States; troops arrived in Galveston on June 19, 1865, to ensure that enslaved people were free 
        • Troops arrived 2 years after the emancipation proclamation was signed   
        • The African American community has their fingerprint on many things (i.e. music); it’s an injustice to exclude part of our history 
        • We need to name what happened - this was the end result of the Civil War; let’s celebrate that! People are free! 

        Juneteenth is All of Our History:

        • The Black community has significantly contributed to what our country is today  
        • We need to be intentional about all peoples’ history; it’s not to point blame, it’s to talk about the facts 
        • No one wants to be cast as the oppressor or the victim, that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about what happened 
        • The goal is to be unified, not perpetuate an “us vs them” narrative  
        • There is room in this world for all of us to grow, shine, be great, and be your best self 

        What about the 4th of July:

        • Juneteenth and the 4th of July are not in competition with one another  
        • Read Fredrick Douglass’s What To the Slave is the Fourth of July? 
        • America is our community; families and cultural groups within still need healing  

         How should schools and educators include Juneteenth:

        • Incorporate people, places, and history across grade levels and content areas  
        • Be intentional so when June 19th rolls around students know why we are celebrating 
        • Seek to understand, ask questions, it’s ok if you don’t know something but don’t stay ignorant  
        • Create spaces where people feel safe, can bounce ideas off one another, gain clarity, ask questions 
        • Juneteenth should be included like any other national holiday and school celebration 
        • Adults should preplan conversations and anticipate the emotions that might come up as well as responses  
        • Include children’s lived experiences as knowledge to share  

        Resources and references:

        Reflection Questions:

        • How do you, or will you, educate students about Juneteenth? What’s a resource you like or want to check out?  
        • What is your own personal experience with Juneteenth? How is it the same or different from your students? How does that impact you as an educator? 
        • When and how will you preplan conversations so you are (as prepared as you can be) to answer student questions and respond to emotions? What questions do you have? Who do you need to talk to? 

        Connect with Pearl!