Family child care resources for families
Beyond licensing child care in Minnesota's Becker, Cass, Crow Wing, Douglas, Hubbard, Morrison, Stevens, Todd, and Wadena counties, Sourcewell can assist families in finding quality care. We can also help access child care financial assistance in these counties.
2024 Award Recipients
Need help paying for child care? Please reach out to your county contact.
Becker County
MAHUBE-OTWA Community Action Partnership, Inc.
311 Jefferson Street South, Wadena, MN 56482
Cass County
Cass County Health, Human & Veterans Services
218-547-6888 or 218-547-1340
Crow Wing County
Children & Family Services
Douglas County
Douglas County Social Services
809 Elm St., Suite 1186, Alexandria, MN 56308
320-762-2302 or 1-844-204-0012
Morrison County
Eligibility Team
Stevens County
Stevens County Social Services
400 Colorado Ave, Ste 104, Morris, MN 56267
Todd County
Child Care Assistance
Wadena County
MAHUBE-OTWA Community Action Partnership, Inc.
311 Jefferson Street South, Wadena, MN 56482
Filing a complaint
Sourcewell's regional licensing specialists are required to investigate possible violations of child care licensing rules. This is usually through a face-to-face contact between the provider and the complaint investigator.
Disputes regarding contractual issues are not investigated by licensing.
The provider must be told of the allegations, but reporter information is always confidential. Once the investigation is completed, a finding is made by the agency (Sourcewell).
The agency makes one of the following findings:
The facts contained in the filed complaint are found to be true. Findings could result in a correction order, negative action, or other correction deemed appropriate by the licensor, county attorney, and program supervisor. A negative action will only be taken in the most serious cases. -
Did Not Occur
After investigation, the compliant is found to be false. Usually no further action is taken. -
No Determination
After investigation, the investigator is unable to make a determination as to whether or not the facts alleged are true. Licensing staff may offer suggestions or corrections if warranted.
All complaints, regardless of outcome, are retained in the licensing file.
The Minnesota Data Privacy Act prevents the release of certain information about the complaint, such as any identifying information about the reporter. However, the nature of the complaint, such as lack of supervision or overcapacity, is considered Public Information once the investigation is completed.
Basic complaint information, the results of the investigation (Occurred, Did Not Occur, No Determination), and whether or not any corrective action was taken as a result are required to be released by The Minnesota Data Privacy Act.
Parents and interested parties may contact the provider for more information than the agency can provide in any given case.
To register a complaint about a family child care home or an unlicensed provider operating illegally (including taking children from multiple families), contact
If the situation involves possible risk to the child, you may also want to contact your county's Child Protection Services team.
If it is an emergency, call 911.
Providers have the right to give input into the process and to appeal a correction order or licensing action. Under the licensing rule, licensors may enter the home at any time the child care program is in operation.
Contact or call 218-895-4120.
Please include your county of residence in all communications.