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Catalyst Creating Learning Environments Where Children Thrive

Catalyst Creating Learning Environments Where Children Thrive

July 30, 2025


4-6 p.m.




Learn to create physical spaces where students feel comfortable and safe which allow for learning and engagement to increase.

Date: July 30, 2025


4-6 p.m.




$40 per participant from districts in the five-county service area;  Comprehensive Package pricing: $4 per participant

$50 per participant from all other schools;

Workbook included

Learn more about the Comprehensive Package and see a list of participating districts here >

Prerequisites: None

CEUs: Teacher CEU

Relicensure requirement: Positive Behavioral Intervention Strategies

Learning objectives:

  • Identify how classroom spaces can align with a teacher’s educational philosophy and teaching style and how to utilize your classroom environment to reach more learners.

  • Make changes to learning spaces to maximize time and efficiency.

  • Evaluate learning environments and identify areas to improve.


Learn to create environments that support all children in engaging thoughtfully through room layout and design by understanding how a student’s physical surroundings impact their ability to function, learn, and thrive at school. Students who learn in a predictable, safe, and purposeful environment are able to spend more of their energy on the content and less on navigating their space.

About the leader:

Jacki Brickman will lead this training. 

An award-winning teacher with a passion for helping everyone become better at what they do, Jacki is a pro at relating to people. She has a reputation for empowering people through her keen observations and insightful feedback. Be prepared for hilarious reenactments of her personal and professional experiences. Her ability to captivate diverse audiences suggests that she might just practice the communication skills she teaches. Jacki developed the Catalyst Approach with creative partner Nancy Burns.

Recommended follow-up:

Look out for other Catalyst offerings

Event Registration

Registration deadline: July 15, 2025

Check-in: 3:30 p.m.

Questions: education@sourcewell-mn.gov

Register See event policies