Adult foster care licensing for applicants
Are you interested in becoming a licensed adult foster care provider in Becker, Cass, Crow Wing, Douglas, Hubbard, Morrison, Otter Tail, Todd, or Wadena county? We can help! Simply follow the steps below or contact a Sourcewell licensing specialist to get started.
The licensing process can take up to 90 to 120 days to complete.
How to become a licensed provider
Once this has been completed, you will receive an email to enroll into the self-paced orientation.
Adult Foster Care (AFC) Applicant Packet
- AFC Provider Process Template (PDF)
- Family AFC Application (PDF)
- Supplement Form (PDF)
- Social History Form - Adult (PDF)
- Social History Form - Child (PDF)
- Data Collection Form (PDF)
Complete for all household members 13 and older - Commissioner Access Memo (PDF)
- Contact your designated zoning department
Community Residential Setting (CRS) Applicant Packet
There is currently a moratorium on the development of new CRS beds in Minnesota.
Those interested in a CRS license should email
Please include county of residence in your communication.
Once applicant packet has been received, a Sourcewell licensing specialist will initiate the licensing process beginning with background studies and Fire Marshal request.
A regional licensing specialist will bring and review the following documents at your initial in-person inspection:
- AFC without HCBS licensing checklist (PDF)
- Caregiver training log (PDF)
- Certificate of Compliance Minnesota Workers' Compensation Law (PDF)
- Complaint and grievance procedures (PDF) - must also be posted
- Drug and alcohol policy (PDF)
- Emergency fire escape plan (PDF)
- Emergency response plan and procedures (DOC)
- Equipment maintenance form (PDF)
- Home safety checklist (PDF)
- Maltreatment of vulnerable adult mandated reporting policy (PDF)
- Notice of privacy practice (PDF)
- Pet authorization form (PDF)
- Program abuse prevention plan (PDF)
- Program abuse prevention plan sample (PDF)
- Program plan (PDF)
- Service termination policy (PDF)
- Vulnerable adult act summary (PDF)
- Well water testing (coliform and nitrates)
Once everything has been completed, your regional licensing specialist will submit the recommendation within 20 business days to DHS for licensure.
Final approval will be given by DHS.
Training information
In addition to orientation training, each caregiver must complete training designed to meet the needs of residents as outlined below.
- caregivers with zero to five years of licensure or experience as an adult foster home caregiver must complete 12 hours training a year
- caregivers with six or more years of licensure or experience as an adult foster home caregiver must complete six hours training a year
- caregivers who provide services according to a contract between the operator and the department or service must comply with any additional training requirements stated in the terms of the contract
The operator of the home must ensure that a record of completed training is maintained.
Online required training for vulnerable adult maltreatment reporting is available through DHS.
The following individuals are exempt from the training hours requirements:
- caregivers providing no more than 30 cumulative days of foster care in a 12-month period and no more than eight hours a week
Contact or call 218-895-4120.
Please include your county of residence in all communications.